
Adoption quetions?

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My sister is thinking of adopting a child. What are some things required for adopting a child? what kind of financial status do you need to have?




  1. There are many options in adoption and all of them have their own requirements.  For every adoption, you can anticipate a home study by a licensed social worker, a background check, a medical examination and proof that you would be able to financially provide for a child.  You don't have to be super-wealthy, but you have to be stable.  You would also have to provide birth certificates for everyone in the home, marriage certificates/divorce certificates, tax returns and other documentation.  Gathering up the required documents takes time in and of itself!

    Different adoption agencies have specific requirements.  If your sister goes through a church-based agency, they may require proof of church membership.  Some agencies do not allow infant adoptions except in the case of documented infertility.

    International adoption requires everything needed for your state of residence, but also the federal government and the government of the child's home country.  Different countries have different requirements.  Some are very restrictive: age, family size, medical condition.  Others have little or no additional requirements.  

    The Department of Social Services is another adoption route to take.  These children have been removed from abusive or neglectful homes and may need extra support and/or psychological support for the trauma they endured.  

    The best first step is to do a lot of research on all the different options available.  Your sister will need to decide which option is best for her family.  Reading and researching is something to do while you're waiting for the state to send those certified copies of birth certificates!  I'd also suggest talking to a few different adoption agencies.  

    Good luck!

  2. Ignore the thumbs down on Jennifer above.  Everything she says is correct.  There are many options and routes to adoption, all of which have their advantages and disadvantages.  Here is another summary...

    - You don't have to be rich, just financially stable enough to sustain the the cost of raising a child will not cause problems.

    - Adoption does not have to cost a lot of money.  Adopting through the foster care system is very inexpensive.  But, many people choose to adopt privately because they want infants and/or want to avoid 'high risk' kids.

    - Different private agencies have different rules with regards to marital status, sexual preference, religion, etc.   However, there are many agencies, and so there are always other options.  (Please make sure the agency is ethical.)

  3. And she's already outsourcing her job to you?  Don't think she has enough of her OWN desire.

  4. Your sister should take a trip to her library and check out some books on adoptions. There is more to adopting than just applying for a child. She should find answers to her questions and also questions to ask when she does apply for a child. There are many ways of adopting a child, some are great and others can give a person heart and head aches. It's a shame that some people will go out of their way to make money on the life of a child, that's why you sister needs to get as much information as possible. Different people have certain things that have taken place with them,so everyone can't give the right answers, reading and asking is the best thing to do. Good Luck to your sister, we adopted two children many years ago, it was wonderful.
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