
Adoption time?

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Once the parental rights have been relinquished, how long until the papers are filed for adoption. How long does it take to finalized the adoption?




  1. it really depends my parents recently adopted 2 boys and it took over 2 years from start to finish of the process

    that was in the state of Oregon

  2. It varies. It took us over a year simply because we have one probate judge in our county and our case was never prioritized. He felt since the revocation period was up and we had legal custody pending the adoption that there was no hurry to finalize.

    I believe in TX there is a required 6 months before finalization however.

  3. Depends which country's laws you are bound by.

    Here's a tip. You know which country you are in. Don't assume we do!

  4. By August it should all be final and the baby will " officially" be yours.

    Congratulations on the birth of your new child!!

  5. it depends on the state but the usual time frame is 10 days

  6. The waiting period is six months from date of TPR by the court. If the child has been with you since January of 2007, the court MAY waive the six months waiting period once TPR is finalized. If not, plan on six months after TPR before you go to court and get your forever family papers.  I'm sure you already think of your child as YOURS and the rest is just paperwork. :)

    I wish you the best. Stay in touch with your caseworker and enjoy your newest addition to the family.

  7. Depends on what state you live in.  But for Texas, it is similar to my state.  After the birthmother signs a Relinquishment, it is considered permanent and irrevocable, and then her rights and the birthfather's rights are terminated in court.  That is provided they both signed voluntarily.  If not, there can be a diligent search for the birthfather, or he can be served, which takes time.  The Termination hearings are usually held 1-3 months after the baby is born if everything is voluntary.  Then after the baby has lived with the adoptive family for a minimum of six months, they can finalize the adoption in court.
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