
Adult picky eater... ocd?

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i'm 18 and i'm sick and tired of being a picky eater.. i of course eat 3 times a day but the things i eat are limited. some times i'll get stuck on this one food and eat it for lunch and dinner continuously until i get sick of it them move on to another thing.. but the thing is.. it's getting harder and harder to find my next "favorite food" to get stuck on.

i also think my eating habits are the reason for me being too skinny. i want to change but i don't know how.

i try new foods all of the time and even am willing to try the same thing that i didn't like twice... if i make myself eat something i don't like i usually get sick or lose my appetite in the middle of eating it.

i think this is a form of OCD i also am a nail biter which i know for a fact is OCD.. how can i change?




  1. Yes, that may be, I know someone who has big time OCD and is a very picky eater.  I have some OCD but I eat everything, except any kind of berries, especially strawberries.

    Just try and find something that you like in something new you are trying.  Focus on the taste and find that pleasant tingle that makes you say "Mmm, good".  Try mixing foods too.  For example liver may not taste good to some people, but it may taste good if you add grilled onions.  Yumm, I'm getting hungry now.

    As for the nails, I recently too cut the habit, after almost all of my lifetime of doing it.  Bite the nail, but don't bite it off, just bit it lightly as if you are trying to bite it off, but keep it there.  When they are long, or semi long, cut them.  Whenever you get the urge, just bite lightly without cutting the nail.  The habit is in the need to bite something.  This applies to biting pens and pencils.  Chew gum or get some beef jerky.

  2. I don't think this is a form of OCD, but I am not positive, I personally have that same problem and I am around your age. It got really bad where I was eating the exact same thing every day for lunch etc. I feel I am extremely picky but I just don't like most foods. Id say get snacks, like popcorn chips etc to just munch on through the day honestly, its what i've been doing and its helping.

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