
Advanced clarinet music?

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I have my grade 8 clarinet.. and i am looking to keep up my standard. Can anyone recommend any pieces that are fun and enjoyable to play?? I do like classical but i was mainly looking for popular or jazz/swing songs?? please help!




  1. A song I absolutely love playing is Canzonetta by Gabriel Pierné. My music teacher gave it to me some years ago and I still love it! It's fun and the hds-quavers and general tempo and range make it challenging.

    Failing that, you can't go wrong with Mozart's clarinet concertos. I love Mozart!

    Keep smiling x

  2. These aren't jazz or anything, but I thought they were fun. Canzonetta by Jacob Weinberg, Romantique by Lennie Niehaus, Clairnet Polka arr. by Herman A. Hummel, and Presto by Jacques Aubert. I played most of these this year, Highschool Freshman, so they might be a little challenging, but they really helped me improve :)

  3. Are you looking for music for your exam or afterwards? Music for exams is usually on a set list so you may not get a choice! After exams there are some advanced pieces out there

    1) Classical: Try any of the Brahms sonatas or Webber concertos! You could try Mozart but since its a well known piece it can be hard to pull off in an exam

    2) Post classical:  Finzi  Saint Saens , Hindemith concertos or Shumann fantasy pieces are all good soild repertoire to learn!

    3) Popular: You could try jazz or a blues piece! There is a piece called 'Boogie and Blues' and I forget who its by! or try the copland concerto if you are up to a challenge! There aren't many 'popular' pieces written solely for clarinet.But try banks 'Prologue and night piece' Or any Bartok pieces!  Ask you clarinet teacher what suggestions they might have!

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