
Adventures in Oddysey?

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Does anyone else besides me listen to adventures in Odyssey? if so, does anyone know why Connie didn't marry Mitch?




  1. YES!! I love AIO!  I think the reason they're not married is Mitch moved to Hungary, also Connie is also not very mature.  I don't think the writers of AIO would advoate a marriage between Mitch and Connie, until Connie grew up a little.

  2. Yeah, I used to listen to it all the time.  Connie and Mitch did not get married because they eventually discovered that they had very different priorities and personalities.  I think this quote sums it up pretty well:

    Connie: So far our relationship has been 90% action/adventure and 10% romantic comedy.

    Mitch: Yeah, it's been great!

    Connie: But I LIKE romantic comedy.

    Mitch was very career oriented, whereas Connie wanted a more "traditional" romance.  And she didn't like the idea of her husband working for the FBI.

    Not to mention that Connie was pretty immature about their relationship.
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