
Advice? I lost my mojo!!!?

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I'm a designer and haven't drawn anything for months because I'm psyching myself out. I know i'm good; won awards, have massive piles of drawings and can eyeball any image. Problem is, this past year I moved 4 times to look for any kind of work, got kicked out of my long-term relationship, had to begrudglingly move back in with parents (humiliating at my age!), lost new job and friends now where to be found during crisis. (Whew!)

So I'm trying to reinvent my career but, can't put pencil to paper. I'm too freaking 'scared'? I don't know. I've turned chicken. Don't even wanna socialize. Lost desire to go out, call friends. First time in my life i've hit rock bottom and had to endure it all alone.

How to I trick my brain out of this dilemma? The desire to move forward is there, but the intense fear keeps pulling me down! Suggestions?




  1. I suggest that you start socialising again, calling friends and going out.  They may not be there for you all the time, but at least they are better than having no friends at all.

    Take up an interest in something that you have always wanted to do.  Talk with your parents about their lives and what inspired them along the way then learn from their experiences and start drawing again.  Go out with your parents and look through their eyes to see what the world looks like.

    Advertise yourself to possible employers whom you would love to work for, keep drawing images of things around you, simple things that people use every day that most people overlook.

    Take some classes in something that you have always wanted to do.

  2. Look ok, I am a Minister and an Apostle,(which means special messanger from God). And I have what they call Bipolar. Even I get like that sometimes but I go to Jesus and God. You see 2 Peter 5:8 says Be sober be vigialant because your adversary the devil walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Please if you are a child of God, The King of the whole universe, then turn to Him and just ask Him to help. I know that you can do it you once did you can again!!!! I believe in edification(which is to lift up!!) look up Phillipans 4:13. If you are not a child of God then I stronlgly suggest that you become one soon before He comes back and you find yourselfin h**l Luke 16:19-31 I pray that I have helped you God Bless The Spirit of Elijah he Lordsoldier P.S. Matt. 10:28

  3. EASY ANSWER   you are too safe   learn somethng of the blues singer robert johnson   it might help      [down to the crossroad]

  4. I've had these problems. Usually relaxing yourself mentally and physically works, take hot baths, eat healthier, exercise a bit, as well as don't intertwine yourself with too many problems or issues.

    If your lacking artistic influence, listening to music helps as well. Just do sorta relaxing things. Spend time with family as well, establishing close connections will ease your mind and probably make you feel safer as well as more confident. Work slowly since jumping into things like going out to clubs or big events will probably scare you more. Spend time with close relatives and family, establish those connections as well as treat your body well. Watch your eating habits, some foods release chemicals in your brain that trigger, well.. happiness really.

    Just keep yourself mentally, physically, and socially fit. Start of slow since jumping into things will just give you problems.

    Your body image as well as how you see yourself can hinder your confidence. So do what it takes to make yourself proud of who and what you are and ideas and your social life will come flowing right back. ;)

    Although if it does worsen, I suggest you see a psychologist or therapist, maybe a doctor as well. Only in dire need though, if you work at improving your confidence you should be fine.

  5. Dr Evil has it . . go find him!!

    Good luck =]

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