
Advice for Naptime?

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I'm a teacher's assistant for a four year old class, one of the children stems to get off the cot and wants to play with the toys. I had told him to lay still or close his eyes. The child has trows a fit. Whay should I do?




  1. Well take him into a room that is totaly emty exept for a blanket and pillow ask him to lay down and if he trows a fit dont do any thind  ignore him and soner or later he will get tired.

  2. Hide the toys.

  3. Well it isn't mandatory in my state for them to take a nap but maybe you could find him an alternative activity to do while everyone else is napping or send them to another room that isn't in the process of napping

  4. i'm also an assistant. maybe give the child a backrub or something.

    if they're out of control and not obeying at all, notify the main teacher.

  5. unfortunately there are always one or two like are some things that have worked (most of the time for me)....first of all children that are known non sleepers or seldom sleepers are always isolated to the best of classroom space away from toys and other children.....second of all all children must stay on their mats/cots for at least one hour(naptime usually lasted for 2 hours at the schools i worked at) and then they are allowed to leave there cots(with teacher permission and only if they have been quiet) and go to a table to either read books or draw(if they become noisy they either have to return to their cots or if an extra teacher is avail. then they often are taken to the playground or into the hall.......

    Also at the beginning of naptime I always read a story...and all of the children knew that I would not show the pictures, but if they were quiet they could look at the book during quiet time (the book or books were never out at any other time)..and when the book was over we played music(the best results believe it or not were with a recording of monks chanting, or nature sounds like jungle, or classical music) a classroom of 24 children on an average day we had no more than 3 children who did not sleep and of those usually only one caused any type of problem(that child only attended 2-3 times per week and never fully got aclimatized to school)...

    good luck and dont stop trying till you find a good fit for your group

  6. that's a problem at my center too. it may help if you rub the child's back, or if they really aren't tired, try giving them a book or soft toy / stuffed animal to play with. at our center, all the rooms nap at the same time so there would be no where to take the child if they can't / wont sleep. somtimes we just get them to stay quiet rather than try to get them to be still on their cots for three hours.

    hope that helps!!
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