
Advice for after high school?

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what are some things that I could do after high school




  1. step 1. acknowledge that your high school social and extra-curricular achievements are now void.

    step 2. Apply for college

    Alternate Step 2. Apply to Wal-Mart

  2. Experiment by going to work to figure out what you want to do. Find out what you like to do. Then go to community college to study it. It's better than going to college for four years. Community college is only two years.

  3. besides struggle to get a min wage paying job????

    ~join the military

    ~go to college (i know you probably hear this alot but TRUST ME...if you don't go on to do the four years at least go to a community college for two years to get SOME KIND OF DEGREE.....ok hun?) but i encourage you to mainly go after the four year degree

  4. go to college maybe?

    or you could get a part-time job and go to a community college

  5. Going to college is a great idea and I'm glad I decided to. But at the same time, it's not for everyone. You could go ahead and get into working and work your way up to a job you love. There is always the military as well, which is a huge decision that should be thought over carefully over time. But the best advice I can give is to pray about it! You'll know what's best for you! :) I hope everything works out for you! God Bless!

  6. Go to college or at the least learn a trade.

  7. Well, for your professional life, there are four main options.

    1. Go to college right away and get started so that you can have a better education

    2. Don't go to college and see what jobs life throws at you as you go along your life.

    3. Take a semester of two for break, and then attend college

    4. Attend training to become an officer in a government agency, such as the police, the border patrol, etc.

    In my opinion, the first one would be the best choice, followed by the third choice, followed by the fourth,  but it's really your decision. But please, if you have the opportunity, make something of your life by studying, if you don't you'll regret it for the rest of your life. I hope this helps :)

  8. - Going to college. More years of school might suck but its much more rewarding and can guarantee you a better job in the long run. And you might like it.

    - Joining the military. Though it may be a hard life, it is also very rewarding with great benefits. It can also help with college scholarships after service time, or go to a service academy or ROTC in college.

    - If the military and college aren't for you, you can work full time out of high school. The only disadvantage is that more and more companies are requiring a college education, and competitiveness between job applicants with and without a college education are rough (for the non-college grad), and job positions held by high school grads usually have less pay/benefits. Some others include:

    - You can become a priest or nun (if your catholic).

    - Start selling drugs (not the best career path though =P)

    - Peace Corps. or Volunteering

    and many more. Good luck with what ever you choose :)

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