
Advice plz..?

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Im a Capricorn. He's a pisces. Me and My Boyfriend always play 21 questions.. && I don't know why but I always test him.. meaning I ask questions in hopes that'll he'll answer it correctly.. like i'll ask him .. "have you ever cheated".. blah blah.. well today I made the mistake of asking him "who's the most attractive girl you know?".. expecting him to say me.. and he said some other girl that he knew.. now excuse me if i sound stuck up but this bothered the h**l out of me.. to the point where i felt like i didn't even want to be with him.. it hurt so bad.. I know im no the most attractive girl in the world.. but i feel like im not enough.. && that hurts. I feel like if you love someone.. && you say your in love.. that person should be your ultimate.. but he proved me wrong.. any advice/ comments.. greatly appreciated.




  1. I know how you feel, but there  are some questions you shuld never ask if your not  prepared for the answer of that answer may not be the one you want, at least he was really honest with you,  dont feel that way that girl may be very atractive but it does not mean  that he doesn't love you

    dont do a torment about it

  2. dont fret. he prolly is just making you feel jealous. he wanted to see how you react.

  3. Hello Beautiful

    You have to admit that this is partly your fault. If I read the first two lines, it states that you ask questions and expect a correct answer.

    Or are you asking questions because you are insecure and hope to catch him in a lie?

    I find he answered you correctly and honestly and you even admit that their are others more beautiful. You played the game and he followed the rules.

    If he loves you, nothing should matter but i see that you are tking it a little too hard and his answer has nothing to do with love.

    You have to stop playing games and be more adult and speak to him about it. You might be surprise at his answer.

  4. Astrology isn't real.  Please learn this.  If you're not compatible, isn't not because of astrology.  It's because you two clash.  

    Also, stop asking your boyfriend dumb questions if you don't want dumb answers.

  5. you should have told him right then and there how you felt! you should have lightly hit him and said 'hello, the correct answer was me!' it would have immediately alerted him to his own insensitivity and let him know how you felt.

    OR, you should have gotten a little loud with him and said ' that's ok, because I think my ex is the sexiest man ever was is or will be' it doesn't have to be true, but it would have gotten him thinking along the right path and would have made him feel like sh*t that he said that and he would have discussed the issue with you seriously. then you could have told him you didn't mean it, but that you were hurt at the time.

    pisces understands emotions. so if you tell him he hurt your feelings he will come to see what he said as wrong. you should tell him how it is. tell him you wouldnt have been insulted if he named a movie star or a celebrity, because you know he would have just been honest if he had said that. but since he mentioned someone so close to him that you feel like he might be in love with someone else or not serious about you.

    tell him to think of how he would have felt if you had said you think that your new neighbor was so hot that you would like to l**k him up and down. if he doesn't immediately get defensive or upset then you need to evaluate how much he really cares about you. once again, it doesn't have to be true, it is just a scenario to get him thinking. it is hypothetical.

  6. astrology isn't real

  7. His remark was crude and rude! I would most likely tell him not to let the Door hit him in the A-- as he goes! But that's your call!

  8. Your two signs can go together but often do not. There is something between these two signs which means they often get off to a good start but then break up. Capricorns are sensitive and a comment like this can not be tolerated. Ultimately, the decision is yours but in my opinion it is best to move on.

  9. Good ol' Capricorn... always testing testing testing and never completely trusting...

    You didn't ask him who he loved... you asked him who is the most attractive girl he knows.

    Look... I absolutely positively love and adore my wife, but i am not blind. I know she isn't the "most attractive woman I know" but who cares? I love her. That's what matters. I ddn't marry her because she was the prettiest. I married her because we clicked... we understood each other... we supported each other emotionally... etc etc tetc

    Why are you asking questions to hurt yourself?
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