
Advise on this?????????? please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have it in my heart to marry my boyfriend if he would ask me, and we have been together for almost a year, and both 26 years old. But on Mother's Day we were talking about life in gerenal. and he told me that he didn't feel it in his heart to marry, But dose that mean that he dosen't love me, or will not marry me ever????? He told everyone at work that he going to but then changes his mind I don't get it??? We live together and work together??? Something wrong wtih me?? What should I do???




  1. Are you expecting?  I'm just noticing the subject you chose is pregnancy & parenting.  Not knowing your full story, but if a child is involved don't try to stick it out because of the baby and don't make him marry because of it.  In then end there will always be some sort of resentment or at least doubt of why you are in it at all.

  2. Sounds like he is scared of commitment. The question is does or will it bother you if he never asks you to marry him? I lived with my current husband for 10 years and he said he wasn't ever going to marry. I ended up leaving him for a year an a half. I dated other people and I went out with him. In the end he couldn't stand the thought of me being with someone else and he asked me to marry him. We have been married for 3 years now. I think it just comes to the point of you get tired of waiting for the commitment and you will either accept it or move on.

  3. Why would he marry you.  You live together as you were married, he has everything he wants without having to commit to you.  Maybe you should get your own place and stop having intercourse and just date.   Then if you marry, you can live as if you were married.

  4. just continue with your life and let your relationship develop.

    were you there when he was talking about marriage?  if not, maybe it was just something he said under pressure at the time.  maybe he never said it at all - someone else is just interpreting what they think he "really" means.

    put it this way:  if he never asks you to marry him, does that mean you will leave him?

    if not, what difference does it make?

    if so, then that's indicating there might be a fundamental flaw in the relationship.

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