
Afraid around people?

by  |  earlier

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Every time I am forced to interact with strangers I get really nervous, like at the checkout counter and stuff...

And today I had to make a phone call to someone I had never met, but i couldn't bring myself to do it because i was too afraid.

I'm 15, btw.

what can i do?




  1. idk if this is normal. i also have this. i mean i dnt like it around crowds. i get anxious, panic attacks. just suggestion,dont think too much abwt it coz at your age i think this is is still workable. i mean, i think this is an aquired and cultivated "attitude", in my case i dnt know if i can still get past this. btw im 24, ive had this for 5 years now.

  2. As soon as you realize that people don't base their world around you and that people don't even remember what you (anyone) say for that long unless it offended them in some way... then you will get over it.  It takes time because we are used to thinking of ourselves at a young age as being the center of the universe but it is surprising how many people feel the same way as you do and what do you think about them when they interact with you?  Most people don't judge.

  3. You need therapy. It is called Social Anxiety Disorder, my husband has it. He needs pills and therapy for it. Good Luck.
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