
African chiclid?

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i hav a 30 gallon tank i had dempsy and convicts in it before i change the tank over to a aficans and the fish keep dying off




  1. without any more descriptions, I can only offer suggestions what to check.  First do a FULL water quality check.  Ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, PH, hardness, alkalinity.  Your ammonia should be near 0.  Anything higher than .2 is bad and could be killing the fish.  Most water kits tell you the safe levels.  Check the temp too, make sure it is within range for ciclids.  

    Second, if the fish are dying, are they dying of ick, parasites or fungus?  Look for any sort of problems on the living fish to judge this.

  2. Well in addition to what kit said, you have to consider that this tank is most likely conditioned to SA standards which is a lower PH and hardness then Africans.  If you didn't have any clue about this stuff, then clearly that's not the case.

    This leads me to believe that what you most likely have is not acclimating the new fish long enough to the tank waters.  I mean really, you haven't said anything about your water chemistry, what kind of filter you are using, and what kind of fish you tried to add in.  You could just have easily gotten a bad group of fish is all too.  I suspect it's a matter of you not acclimating the new fish to your tank water enough, but who knows.  It's a c**p shoot on this input.
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