
African grey vomits!?

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My grey vomits

went to exotic vet involved in zoology (snakes, turtles, and parrots)

newly fledged, watery p**p vomits a lot

medicated 6 hours a go still vomits some of the dinner

how many more hours till med. takes action?




  1. I'm sorry to hear your bird is ill.  I have had birds, different kinds, my whole life and I have never heard this till now.  I have never had one of my birds vomit.  I wish your bird well...You are doing the right thing by your bird.  Your a good pet owner.  Any questions or concerns give the vet you saw a call and ask.  Never hurts to ask.  There are never any stupid questions.  If you are still concerned about your bird, if he doesn't start responding to the meds, please call and see what else can be done.  If for some reason he's not better in a short while I would look into going to another Avian Vet.  Sometimes another vet may know something the other one didn't.  Birds are very delicate creatures.  My best to you and your bird...

  2. It may take a day or two until the meds actually work for him.  Don't give him fruits or veggies because this will just make matters worse.Call the vet and tell him that he is still vomiting.  He can dehydrate very quickly.  Please read my profile.

    Birds DO have a stomach and most certainly CAN vomit.  If you can't give good advice, don't give any at all.

  3. Hi,

    Firstly there may not be anything wrong with your bird, my african grey does this when its on my sholder or arm because it treats me like another parrot and is trying to feed me, and no amount of medication will stop it.

  4. what is an african grey?

    im a vet, maybe i can help.

  5. Birds cannot vomit. It is impossible they do not even have a stomache they just eat it and p**p it out. That is all.
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