
After Having A Baby???

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18 Months ago I had my daughter. I only breastfed for two months due to me and my daughter getting two dehydrated and the effects it was having on my body. So that was over 16 months ago! Well I am still leaking breast milk. Back on March I had a miscarriage, I was 4 months pregnant when I had it. This was almost 5 months ago. And my milk increase didn't increase. Well recently it started to. I know Im not pregnant right now, because i havent been sexual active for well over 5 months. With that being said, is it usual for me to still have leak milk, I'm going to go and have it checked out. But I would like to have some advice before I go in? A bit concerned...




  1. That probably isn't unusual but I would go and get it checked out. It sounds like your milk didn't dry up. I would try wrapping an ace bandage tight as you can stand it around your breast and leaving it on for about two days. That's what I had to do after I have mine baby because I didn't breast feed and it worked.

  2. My youngest just turned 1, I only expressed for 3 weeks while he was in NICU, I make very little milk. I still produce a small amount that is noticable after a hot shower. I asked my GP and she tested my prolactin levels, which were noraml range so she said to ignore it.

    I suggest you see your GP for a blood test if you are concerned.

  3. are you sure you wernt having twins? somtimes when your carrying twins you can misscarry one of them and still be pregnant with the other one.. if not then it could possibly be normal but it should stop soon

  4. Just because you are Lactating doesn't mean you can't get pregnant.  Lactating is one of natures wonders that stop you from conceiving, however there are still possibilities that you could conceived.  If you want to be pregnant, I would suddgest that you ask your doctor for a medicine that would stop you from lactating due to your previous pregnancy.

    Have a blood examination to check you blood sugar, and have a transvaginal Ultrasound to check the condition of your uterus and  ovaries.   If your blood sugar is high then ask your doctor for help to normalize its level, if not chances of you having another miscarriage is not remote.  Also if you have hypertension or on risk age pregnancy, talk to your doctor about it.

    Once you get pregnant again and given birth your breast milk will return as it should.  Relax, and visit your OB-GYN.

  5. That's not going to work.  You are violating laws set by the supreme court. All my client wants is those postings removed and you to stop talking about him on the Internet and invading his privacy. If you don't stop we will ask for jail time in this case and you will loose your child. So make your choice.
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