
After a break up......?

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Why would someone not tell anyone (family, friends or their kids) about breaking up with their girlfriend/boyfriend?

My ex boyfriend broke up with me last week & has not told anyone about our break up. His reason was that he was not ready for the serious relationship that we have. I admit our relationship got serious very quickly but he didn't give it a chance to back up some either. Since the break up we have had s*x twice (both of us initiating it once)and we talk every day just like we always have...we still know what the other person is doing at pretty much any given time of the day. I'm just so confused as to what is going on. He has left his status on MySpace as "in a relationship", all my comments & me as his "top friend". It took him over 3 months to change his status from "single" to "in a relationship" so I figured that would be one of the 1st things he changed. I'm sure that doesn't really mean much cause I have left everything the same too on MySpace just cause I still want our relationship to work out. He isn't even having a guys nigh this weekend since both him & his best friend are both off this weekend...he has not had a guys night in forever cause he always wanted me to go out with them. What is going through his head....???? Why won't he tell anyone he broke up with me?? Is he not sure he made the right decision???? I'm confused & I'm trying to figure out what to do about all of this




  1. Only he can answer these questions. Just ask him

  2. If you still have open communication ask him the same questions you asked us. If he is still having s*x with you and your not in a relationship, who else could he be having s*x with? Rule number one of a break-up. NO s*x!! Seriously. You know that old saying: why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. In your situation it sounds like ths guy is too immature to handle a relationship that involved s*x. If it was too serious for him, but now he just wants casual s*x, then he isn't grown up enough to except the responsibilities that come with sexual activity. Ditch him honey! cut off all contact.  He's a loser

  3. maybe he is regretting breaking up with you and rethinking his decision

    a lot of people break up for different reasons, but they don't realize what they had until  it is gone

  4. He's an ex now right?  Then as nicely as possible - it's none of your business why he's not telling anyone. But my guess is because he doesn't want to deal with their questions and their judgments.  Let it go and don't read anything else into it.

  5. He is using u

  6. Maybe thats just him a little scared of all the feelings that he has for you. And that might be why he hasn't told his family or anyone whats going on. But to be honest if you keep having all this sexual intercourse and talking like you are still together. He WILL just start thinking that you are going to be there for him no matter what. Then thats where the love triangle will come in. You need to just sit down and have a serious talk with him and try to figure out whats on his mind, and what he wants. If he can't tell you then you definately need to cut him off. That will make him realize what he had if he ever or even still does care about you. I hope this helped out in some way, and I wish you the best of luck

  7. wow, u guys need to stop playing games and either work things out or go seperate ways. this is not healthy, and ur looking like a H... because ur sleeping around with him, and he's in his glory getting his nookies

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