
Age for carrying knives in Michigan?

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Ok if anybody who lives in Michigan reads this can you answer this question.

Right now I am currently 17 and for awhile now I've been thinking about getting a knife to carry if I get jumped by a bunch of people or something because a few days ago I almost got into a fight with like 10 to 15 people now usualy I'm pretty good at taking care of myself agaisnt 3-4 people since I have lots of martial arts experience but 10 to 15 people is a bit much and I know would've stood a better chance if I would've had a knife on me since I live in one of the worst areas of Detroit I was just wondering how old would you have to be to carry a Tactical/Combat knife not a pocket knife a actual Knife for Tactial and combat situations




  1. According to the statute, there is no age limit.  But the knife itself must be:

    1.  Less than 3 inches (supposedly only if you are have "unlawful intent," but cops usually consider possession of big knives unlawful intent).

    2.  Single-edged, not double

    3.  Not a switchblade

    4.  Must fold

    5.  Don't carry at school

    Details to the statute are in the link below.

    Word of advice if I may:.  Knives are not good for self-defense.  Why?  Well when you stab somebody, they don't die or fall over right away!  Ask the scar on my gut.  It took me 10 minutes before I passed out, and I'd already beaten my attacker senseless by then.  So for defense, I use OC spray and some kind of blunt weapon, like a baton (don't know if they're legal in MI) or a solid walking stick.

    Combat/tactical knives are for sneaking up on an enemy sentry and slitting his throat before he knows what hit him, not defending oneself.

  2. I think the laws look more to how big the knife is and not the age of the carrier.  Not sure about michigan but in N.C. you can't carry a blade on you that when extended including the handle can not be longer than 3 inches, but nobody follows this law.  I carry a 7 inch switchblade.  I don't really think there is an age restraint.  Your intentions of using the knife are not legal, so I don't really think you should worry about the legalities of owning one.  Just don't get caught.  It's sad that you would have to resort to this because of people harassing you.  Hopefully your not putting yourself into these situations.  You should try to solve this problem with intelligence before resulting to a weapon, but sometimes this is an only resort especially in a bad neighborhood.  You might find yourself in a deeper situation if you pull out this knife, such as they pull out a bigger knife or a gun.  If you do decide to carry the knife, only use it as a very last resort.

  3. Regardless of why you carry it, get caught with it and you will be the one going to jail for carrying a concealed weapon.

  4. here in the uk knives are banned america must be very violont cuz dnt u guys carry guns !!!!

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