
Age of Consent in Canada?

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Ok well i just turned 18, and i met a girl who i thought was much older. We are still on the friends basis, but the problem is that she is 15. I'm wondering if anyone can give me some insight on whether this would be wrong legally or some sort of advice. Also just for clarity, I am in Canada, so the age of consent might be different, but i was only planning on kissing her.

Thank you in advance




  1. illegal for adults in Canada to have s*x with a partner under the age of 16 the last time i checked. Might have changed though.

  2. The age of consent in Canada is 16 for both  boys and girls except if the woman involved is a parent,or known to be  sexually active prior to contact with the young man in question. The woman's parents can consent to her marriage before she is eighteen, There is judicial discretion but when in doubt, charges of statutory rape may be pursued.

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