
Aggressive Tank: What Fish?

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I'm getting a 125 liter tank in a few months, and I would like aggressive fish

But which type of fish and what combo? (NOT MALAWI CICHLIDS!)




  1. You have lots of options. There are lost of different types of Cichlids other then Malawi. I know volume based on gallons, not liters, but it sounds like it will be a decent sized tank. I'm also assuming you want to stick to freshwater and not go marine (where the cool aggressive fish really are). Most aggressive fish grow to a decent size, just the nature of things, so you will be restricted to less fish most likely. Also where you live limits what you can have. For example, in some states I can own piranha, some states I can not. This goes for other fish also and then there's availability. I order most of my fish nowadays as a good fish store is hard to find as the small shops are closing up due to the big box super pet stores pushing them out. I recommend finding something that really peaks your interest and see what goes with it. Remember, a crowded tank will cause more aggression and more problems, so with naturally aggressive fish you want to keep your stock limited.  

  2. The thing about aggressive fish is they don't like tankmates, that's why they're labelled as aggressive.

    For impressive true aggressive fish you really need 250L or larger, for fish like american cichlids such as Green Terrors.

    Maybe in your tank you could consider a large shoal of 12-15 Serpae Tetras? These may be small but don't let that fool you. They are nippy little things and have a feeding pattern similar to piranhas - zipping up and down from the surface to grab food. A big shoal means they will be confident to act naturally, smaller shoals are more timid.

  3. using 1 gallon=about 4 liters, thats around 30 gallons. for that size tank try wimple piranhas- get to 5 inches, might not be legal where u are tho, so if there not you might want convict cichlids there 5 inches too and pretty aggressive, but not much compared to piranhas, it suggest bettas but thats probably boring in a 30 gallon tank - its not good to get more then 1 betta in a tank, especially male cuz theycrazy,  they just fight to the death by the end of the day

    usually the most agressive are full grown piranhas, and they got the teeth to match it too, but next to that theres not many aggressive fish that arent cichlids, actually try crayfish, i caught some from a rive rnear me to add to a tank with a convict and yellow cichlid and there pretty fearless to the bigger fish and if you stick your hand in the tank with a shrimp or something theyl run right up to you and start pinching and grabing onto your arm for the shrimp

    and an actually pretty aggressive fish is a pleco, its not really aggressive but it will hold its own against much larger fish and doesnt fret easily

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