
Aggressive male cockatiel

by  |  earlier

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I have two cockatiels a male & a female. the male cockatiel is aggressive to the female when people are around the cage.He bites her in the neck and wings. He is aggressive to me also, bites screams when the female is in the same room..

But when the female isn't in the same room or cage everything is ok he allows me to touch him etc.

what should I do? separate them?

please help me.




  1. yes house them away from each other. If he is tamed aside of her when together, then he is very jealous of her. I would keep them both but house them in different cages, maybe go find another male to put with her.  

  2. If your intention isn't to breed them I would separate them.  They can live in side-by-side cages perfectly happily and the male won't feel the necessity to "protect" the female.  If you leave them in the same cage they will bond with one another.  Separated into two cages they can both bond with YOU :-)


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