
Aids/HIV question, please help!?

by Guest34018  |  earlier

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I was with my 2 friends today, we we're chilling and I was very hungry and my friend had a pop bottle and a bag of chips with him so i asked for some and he said he would give it to me later, eventually he gave it to me and I drank the coke and ate the chips. After I was done, the other guy that was with me told me that my friend had chewed the chips and spat in the bag 3 times and he backwashed the drink several times and the guy also has aids, so will i get aids?

I drank his spit and i ate so much chips with his saliva on it and he has aids, am i getting aids? :(




  1. to get aids for spit would have to drink 4 milk jugs of it

  2. chances are, THEY WERE JOKING WITH U

    but if ur that scared about it go to the doc  

  3. ok so either way, you knew he had aids before hand so why would you even ask to drink/eat after him?

  4. im pretty sure you can only get aids from either s*x for blood... soo youre fine

  5. first of all its a crock of ****. second of all HIV does not survive airbourne or through saliva so unless you frenched him after you cut his tounge you are healthy.

  6. too catch HIV from saliva requires about 8 gallons of saliva so unless you were real thirsty andhe was really backwasing you have nothing to worry about.

  7. First of all, while HIV has been found in saliva; there has never been a documented case of it being transmitted this way.

    Secondly, and perhaps more to the point, it's possible the guy was simply lying.  It's a particularly cruel joke, especially to spread a false rumor that someone has HIV if they don't.  That's not being much of a friend to either one of you.  Tell him I said he's a colossal jackass.

  8. Something just doesn't sound right here.

    BTW, you don't "catch" AIDS and you don't get infected with AIDS.

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