
Air condition is not colling?

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My sister in law has a 1100 sf house and she has a 2 1/2 aircondition union she called a maintance man to check her unit out and told her that her unit was small that she needed a 4 ton unit. I don't want her to buy a biger unit if she doesn't need it just replace the same size her unit is around 15 years old I think is just old what do you think, I value your answers.




  1. Thats c**p, This person just wants to make a buck. I have a 1100 sf ranch and I have a 2 1/2 ton unit which works just fine. Don't listen to them just replace the current unit with a new one and you should be good to go.If it ain't broke don't fix it they say..

  2. One thing to remember is climates change and house occupants change. What worked 15 years ago may not be good for today. I doubt the requirements of the home would have changed enough to warrant up-sizing to a 4 ton unit.

    Have a professional HVAC company come out and insist on a Manual J calculation be performed. If they don't know what that is, keep calling other companies until you find one that does.

  3. You might want to check to see if the freon is leaking/low (but use another serviceman).  Also a good cleaning of the coils and replacing the filter in the house might help.

  4. I would call another service companyfor a second look, I have worked in the HVAC field for over 25 years. There may be a reffrigerant leak or dirty coils, you can check the coils yourself, just take a flash light and place it up to the coil, if you can see light through the coil its clean if not just try to find some coil cleaner from your local HVAC supplier, Acti-brite is a good cleaner if you can get it ( be careful it contains  Acid) you just spray it on and hose it off

  5. HVAC Tech.: The unit she has is proper size for the 1100 sf.Like all good things that unit is has seen its better days. If you were to put in a 4ton unit you could expect to see water run down the walls and mold growing everywhere. Save your sis the money and replace the unit with one just like it and hope it last just as long  GOOD LUCK!

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