
Airbaby problem... help (bboying)?

by Guest62245  |  earlier

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Ok... I'm attempting to do airbaby and...

my elbow is bruised from my knee lol

Is this supposed to happen? Will my elbow get more "resistant" as I keep doing this move?

Also, do u think i should stop until the bruise heals?





  1. haha, ur not really supposed to put that much pressure on ur elbow from ur knee lol.

    ur elbow shudnt hurt that much dude, ur joints get stronger on the socket part the more u do it but not necessarily on the outside where the bruise is.

    WTF? stop!??!?

    dont be a wussy lol jp, stop if it gets rele bad to the touch, looks bad, or makes it hurt to airbaby, flare, w/e

  2. Are you actually using your elbow? You're supposed to stab on the upper arm.(1 1/2 inch from your elbow to middle of upper arm.) Wait until the bruise heals. And start airbabying again. Your elbow will get stronger and you will get used to it.

    If you get another bruise, repeat the steps again.

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