
Aircraft Questions II?

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11. The elevators on an airplane control?

12. The ailerons on an airplane control?

13.The rudder on an airplane controls?

14. If your tuned to 121.90, your tuned to what frequency?

Boston ATIS

Boston Tower

Boston Center

Boston Ground

A pilot must read back all hold short instructions?



16. Assuming you are flying the traffic pattern, you would turn from the?

Downwind leg to the crosswind leg

Base leg to the crosswind leg

Crosswind leg to the downwind leg

Final leg to the base leg

17. What is the maximum speed at witch you’re aloud to taxi?

18. You are flying on a heading of 022 degrees, you execute a 180 degree left turn, your new heading is?

19. If your left aileron is up and your right aileron is down, you will be?

20. What does the ATC instruction "Taxi into position and hold" mean?




  1. Pitch

    Turn/Bank ( i know theres a professional word but i cant think of it)




    Crosswind leg to the downwind leg

    15 kts


    Banking left

    Taxi onto the runway but don't take off

  2. In the US:

    15.  False.  --Not all hold short instructions.  The hold short instructions that ATC expects to be read back are LAND AND hold short instructions, and RUNWAY hold short taxi instructions.  [AIM 4-3-11c.2., & 4-3-18a.9.(c)]

    17.  There is no taxi speed maximum.  --In the High Speed Taxiway definition in the AIM's "Pilot-Controller Glossary":   "....aircraft, traveling.....up to 60 knots.....from the runway center to a point on the center of the taxiway."   And even that is not a limit.  

    19.  Commanding counterclockwise roll (as when rolling  from a right banked attitude),

    slowing clockwise roll (as when approaching the desired right-bank angle or trying to reverse the direction of roll),

    rolling for takeoff with a crosswind from the left,

    taxiing with strong wind from the right rear,


    or maybe holding the bank constant in a right banked turn.

    Aileron position  indicates nothing about bank attitude, direction of turn, or direction of roll.

  3. 17. There is no set taxi speed as far as MPH ,

    two factors come into play, you cannot become airborne, (you are no longer taxiing!)  you must not be reckless .

    § 91.13   Careless or reckless operation.

    (a) Aircraft operations for the purpose of air navigation. No person may operate an aircraft in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another.

    (b) Aircraft operations other than for the purpose of air navigation. No person may operate an aircraft, other than for the purpose of air navigation, on any part of the surface of an airport used by aircraft for air commerce (including areas used by those aircraft for receiving or discharging persons or cargo), in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another.

    19. we seem to have a difference of opinion on this one,

    Ailerons control roll about the longitudinal axis.

    Moving the control wheel to the left causes the left

    aileron to deflect upward and the right aileron to deflect

    downward. The upward deflection of the left aileron

    decreases the camber resulting in decreased lift on the

    left wing. The corresponding downward deflection of

    the right aileron increases the camber resulting in

    increased lift on the right wing. Thus, the increased lift

    on the right wing and the decreased lift on the left wing

    causes the airplane to roll to the left

  4. Too many questions.  You need to read a basic book on flying before asking so many.  Get a base of knowledge first, and then come here with anything specific you don't understand.  Also, some of the answers come from kids on here, and they heard it from someone else.  You can't always trust what you hear on this board.

  5. 11 pitch

    12 roll

    13 yaw

    14 Boston Ground

    15 true

    16 crosswind-downwind

    17 15 knots

    18 202 degrees

    19 banking right

    20 taxi into position for takeoff and wait for further takeoff clearance.

  6. climbing and descending(pitch)

    rolling and turning(bank)

    directional guidance(yaw)

    the ground

    downwind leg to the crosswind leg

    15 knots

    202 degrees

    turning/banking left

    taxi on runaway but wait for take off Clearance
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