
Airport layover question?

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I have a layover at an airport but I do not have to switch planes. The layover is an hour. Do I still have to get off the plane? Sorry if it's a dumb question but this is my first time flying alone and having a layover. :)




  1. Well usually they will let you stay on the aircraft but sometimes they make you exit the aircraft and wait but on a short lay over like that they will probably let you stay

  2. No you don't have to exit the aircraft unless they specifically ask you to,  in order to clean the cabin.

  3. Only if the airline says you have to get off.  I will be flying Singapore Airlines from San Francisco to Singapore with a stop in Hong Kong.  I am told that everyone has to get off while they refuel the aircraft.  If you are just picking up some passengers, then I do not think you have to get off.

  4. A layover is when you do have to change planes.  If you are not changing planes, you are on a direct flight (not non-stop) and you should stay on the plane.  Hope that helps you.

  5. You'll likely be asked to get off while the plane is being refueled and cleaned.

    If I were you, I'd get off anyway - just check the gate number once you disembark the airplane, go to the bathroom/walk around the gate area a bit to stretch your legs, then re-board the plane when everyone else is.

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