
Algebra II? need help?

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one angle of a quadrilateral has measure a . find the average of the measures of the other three angles. explain.




  1. well in a quadrilateral, the angles add to 360, right? if I know one of them is a , that means the rest add up to 360 - a.

    and since there are 3, each one has a measure of (360-a)/3  that'd be the average

  2. The sum of all the angles is 360.

    So the sum of all the other angles is 360 - a

    The average is the sum divided by how many there are (3)...

    (360 - a) / 3

    Take care,

    David (homework help)

  3. (360-a)/3

    All quadrilaterals total up to 360 degrees.  Subtract one angle and divide by three to find the average of the remaining angles.
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