
Alice in wonderland party. please help?

by Guest60924  |  earlier

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im having my 14th birthday party themed as alice in wonderland. there will be boys and girls..max amnount of peopl will be 14

any ideas on ANTHING to do with this would be great (decoration, food, games)

and i dont have heaps of money to work with....(holiday plans getting in the way lol)

please help




  1. decorate with cards...

    have blowup stuff. (anything)

    food and drink that says "eat/drink" me.

    put pictures of optical illusions.

    decorate with stuffed animals, such as rabbits.

    give everybody bunny the ones you wear at parties.

  2. cookies that say eat me

    and drinks that say drink me...

    A fun and inexpensive way to jazz up the drinks is to run a lemon peel around the edges of the cups and dip in colored sugars found in the baking aisle at the grocery store. Fruit punch would be yummy with the sugar.

    Have everyone dress up really funky!! with ties and mad hatter hats.

  3. Little finger sandwiches

  4. cookies that say eat me

    and drinks that say drink me...

    Have everyone dress up really funky!! with ties and mad hatter hats.

  5. I would hurry and go to the clearance aisles at places like wal*mart etc and buy left over white chocolate bunnies as the "white rabbit"  You could wrap them in celophane bags with a favor tag mentioning something about the white rabbit and use them as party favors.

    When guests come in there could be a big bowl of cookies that say "eat me" in icing...  Like this  

    And around the bowl you could have little glass bottles that look like potions with tags tied around them that say "drink me" with something like kool-aid or red-bull in them.  This would just be a fun little treat for your guests to enjoy as they arrive.

    You could do a tea party theme... like with the mad hatter, and have crazy hats for everyone.  You could buy cheap hats so everyone could look like the mad hatter... maybe something like this

    For your birthday cake I would do something kinda zany and asymetrical like this

    For games, how about a game of crocquette?  It  would certainly be in place at your party as the queen had a big croquet game in the story.

    You could also do something with time/clocks as the rabbit was always checking his pocket watch and saying he was late.... maybe you could tie this into your invitations.

    OR you could do large oversized invitations that you make yourself and hand-deliver.... here is the exerpt about large invitations for the queens croquet match.

    "The Fish-Footman began by producing from under his arm a great letter, nearly as large as himself, and this he handed over to the other, saying, in a solemn tone, 'For the Duchess. An invitation from the Queen to play croquet.' "

    If you could get a huge lawn chess set that would go along well with the story as well.  Most huge sets are really expensive ($300-500) but here is one that is still pretty big and less than $50.

    You could also decorate with large playing cards, or give away decks of cards as favors.

    Your party sounds like a lot of fun, good luck!

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