
Alienation due to uniqueness?

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do you believe that alienation can be caused by uniquness?




  1. Yes, very much so...I've observed it many times..Some people represent threats to others with their uniqueness..not fiction but fact....what people don't understand, they back away from. Being unique is in that category...

  2. If I didn't, I wouldn't understand my life in this messed up  country of puerile brains for over 60 years.

      Look, it's is normal to react to disrespect, injustice, racism, rejection and bad treatment with feelings of "alienation"-- such as "I wish I were somewhere else."

       What isn't normal is punishing someone for uniqueness by treating them as if they were an 'alien".

      But that's what happens in a country of god-playing bosses and people who accept their dictatorship as normal, hardly ever read and ever don't bother to define much of anything or admit their ignorance.

      Yes, alienation can be caused by bad people reacting to uniqueness badly.  But the person in whom it's caused--doesn't deserve such bigotry or stupidity...

  3. i would love to answer your question, but WHAT?!

  4. I don't think "uniqueness" is the right word because there are individual differences between everybody. I think of "unique" as a word for personal identity expression, such as dying one's hair pink. Something extremely minor. In which case, I think it is up to that individual to embrace it or become alienated.

    Now, if by "unique" you mean "non-normative" or possessing any master status that is considered lesser-than the majority, society is going to react and differentially treat an individual, which could lead to alienation. For example, I wouldn't consider a mental illness to be a "unique" trait, but interaction can be hard to achieve if one is ill, which could lead to alienation.

    I'll just put it this way: if the uniqueness is a hindrance to interaction, yes. It could lead to alienation. But not all unique traits do.

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