
All SURFERS what is surfing like?

by Guest62623  |  earlier

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Ive been looking at all these youtube videos of surfing because i really want to learn to surf. and i want to hear your exsperience.


Thanks in advanced




  1. surfing is pretty beast

  2. I have played so many water sports and this is one of my favorites. If you want to surf learn how to snow board. It would really help. Surfing ROCKS!

  3. Surfing in my opinion is the best sport around. Its fun and you get to enjoy nature. Aside from that every-time you surf it is a different experience because of the tide and wave height etc.

    The Surfboard Man

  4. surfing is great. you should definetly learn. once you start surfing, theres not turning back. its like you are addicted to it. its so much fun.

  5. I started out being a 'waterman' (or rather a 'waterboy'). I swam, body surfed and body boarded (no such thing as boogie boards back then). I was swimming in the ocean and back bay from the time I was in first or second grade. When I was around 14, I got my first surfboard, a 9'6" with an aluminum skeg! I taught myself, and got tips from my buddies who were already surfing, and from older guys who were nice to us. And of course. lots of trial and error, and imitating the guys we saw in surf magazines. In between surf sessions, I sailed, fished and scuba dived. But, that was 1966, and I wouldn't recommend this method today. It is an incredible pasttime. It not just a 'sport'. It is an unique source of pleasure.  It's hard work, also, It requires a significant amount of physical exertion. It's hard to explain, that it can be totally peaceful and relaxing, while exciting and exhilerating at the same time. I will surf as long as my body lets me.

    Let's get down to the reality of surfing. It is an ocean sport. before you decide to surf, decide to know and understand the ocean. Learn to be at home with its currents, rips, undertows and sometimes BIG waves. The original surfers were watermen (and women, both men and women surfed, but certain waves were reserved for royalty). The ocean can be very unforgiving. I have seen lots of really good pool swimmers get into trouble. You have to learn surf etiquette, too.

    Lessons are usually the best way to start, unless you are an adolescent or young adult with lots of pals who surf who can teach you. Go to a real surf shop. The folks there can hook you up with lessons.You should spend some time sharpening your ocean skills by swimming in the ocean, body surfing and boogie boarding. There are far too many dangerous people in the water already. They are dangerous to themselves and other surfers. They are the cause of many restrictive anti-surfing rules at many beaches. You don't want to join their ranks, do you?

  6. getting stoked from surfing feels better than s*x. try it.

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