
All about mermaids?

by Guest10677  |  earlier

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What are some interesting things you have read or heard about mermaids? I know they arent real i just want to know. What makes them so interesting? In my novel they are not going to be like what everyone thinks they are. What do you like about mermaids (if you like them lol) ?




  1. When they first discovered manatees they called them mermaids, i think its cuz women back then were liked as chubby(it meant well-fed and rich). haha But to be deep into the fantasy world,

    The mer-people are a beautiful, and secretive civilization. Back before humans ruled the sea, they thrived, and its said you can still hear their songs and strange instruments on the northern coasts of nearly all the northern continents. They moved north, where there isnt nearly as much travel from us. Very few are left. I would place a bet as well that at one point, just like the dragon riders, the great mer-warriors rode the sea monsters, like the lochness monster.  

    Anyway, there's something for ya!

  2. they said that mermaids and mermen are real and some says just a folklore. they believed that it is human with a half of the tail fish, a woman and also man. For me, maybe they're real.

  3. They mate with male fish...


    Kinky gals.

  4. I believe they were real - but only a distant memory remains.

    They were around at the same time as the Minataur, and other beings of fable.

    There were tales of "Helpers from the sea" in both Japanese culture (search Dogu) and in Kurdistan (the cradle of civilisation)

    Druid and Norse tradition still see Wisdom as being from the large salmon, and Egyptians saw their Gods emerge from the Head of the river (controversy as to which end the head actually is - source or sea?)

    Ancient Bablyonian and Sumarian carvings reveal the Gods of creation - as half- fish.

    See here  -

    Look to Persian Priests - Oannes.

    Many carvings and fables were drawn from understanding passed down - without the authors actually seeing anything. So is open to interpretation. This is particularly true of Angels. - Men that fly. Usually given wings for some reason as this is the most likely form - but in Japanese scrolls, these men were in spinning disks which flew - or winged charriots.

    Aztec culture produced solid gold planes and spacecraft as religous relics!
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