
All advice would be great!?

by Guest55599  |  earlier

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Ok I am gonna try to make this short and easy to understand. I had my baby boy 1 month and 15 days ago. I was pushed into signed the 30 day waiver. I also was on a ton of medication and I don't even remember signing it. I had only put my baby up because I didn't think I was going to have the support I needed to raise him which is not the case. And my heart is breaking everyday without him. I had contacted the adoptive parents and they are not willing to give him back. Does anyone know if there is anything I can do. They is the most devastating thing in my life.

Please do not be rude to me.

Thanks for your time!




  1. dude that really sucks ill pray for you thatyou get your baby back but i dont no what to do sorry

  2. Lucy,

    I answered your other thread as well.  

    Just keep hanging in there... remember your advice, get yourself a lawyer.  Remember, that until that adoption is final, that is your child... it is your child by blood forever.  

    You can do this.  

    Thinking and praying for you sweetie.

  3. That clears up a lot.

    The adoption is not final until about six months after the placement.  If there was fraud or diress associated with the adoption, then it can be nullified.  If it is malpractice by the attorney, then you may have a case.  Contact the probate court in the city/county where the adoptive parents live.

  4. Ask a patient advocate at the hospital what you can do.  All states have different rules about signatures and time allowances to change your mind. Talk to a family lawyer, who should know the laws in your state for this.   Please be sure you are doing what you truly want ot do.  My heart goes out to you.  Take care.

  5. I am sure that you have rights until the court process is done. There should be notification in the paper.  Did you go through an adoption agency?  Talk to the adoption agency or the social worker at the hospital.

  6. i am sorry but i think the only way is to go to court or to get the adoptive parents simpothy and make them feel bad a nd possibly give it back. or ask them to adopt another child.


  7. There are usually provisions for women who signed papers under deress. First thing is the PROSPECTIVE adoptive parents are NOT the childs parents until finalization. the child is likely under the care of the agency who is VERY unlikely to want to give the baby back. They would lose a ton of money and taint their reputation.

    As an adoptive mom it is my (all of our) repsonsibiliy to do what's right and to know going into an adoption that thing are subject to change. Nothing if final until all papers are signed. Call the agency and a lawyer.

    I pray that this works out for you. I would never have adopted my son had I  had even a hint that his b-family had second thoughts. I love him more than anything, but I would have understod if she changed her mind.

  8. I hope you can find the right people to help you. I would contact a lawyer and see what the rights in your state are. Please make sure you are sure this is what you want and what is best for your child-- at this point. I know I wouldn't be able to give up one of my children at this point... but I understand how difficult this must have been for you. We all have our reasons for doing the things we do in our life.

    Ofcourse, the adoptive parents don't want to give him back... But if legally you are still the Mother you have a claim to him.... If not I'm sorry to say you will have to give this up. Best of Luck! I hope you are able to find answers and I am truely sorry you are going through this.

  9. LC actually made a good point in the other thread:

    "Do not use the same attorney that handled your adoption. Get another one that will fight for you."

    The attorney who handled your adoption works for and is paid by the adoption agency who wanted your child.  S/he is NOT on your side.  Definitely get an independent attorney - one who will fight for YOU.

  10. try going to the hospital and speaking to one of the main bosses and see if they are willing to help you

    also maybe u might have to sue if it come down to it

  11. Get all your medical records from the hospital ASAP. They will prove you were medicated and not able to sign. Contact the groups suggested on the other thread. I am Aislin13 on the blog so contact me if you would like. I am guessing I already know what state you are in because of the 30 day waiver.  If i am right I may know a lawyer that will work with you on a payment plan or pro bono if possible. You have to work fast!

    Please know that you are the perfect mother for your son. You can do this. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for wanting the very best thing for your child, you.

  12. You need to get your baby back!!!! Listen to your gut, girl.  I would say to get an attorney, ASAP.

    Read what ever Possum says, and do it now!  Also, go to  or contact Joe Soll at they will help you!

    Get busy, mama!


  13. I've answered on your other thread Lucy.

    Can I just say - EVERYONE - stop telling Lucy to 'really think about it'.

    For crying out loud.

    Can you not see that these words are ever so slightly coercive???

    Mothers need support and love - and to be told - 'h**l YES - YOU CAN PARENT - AND I'M SURE YOU'LL DO GREAT AT IT.'

    If you can't come here and support a young mother who knows in her heart that she has made the wrong decision - and that she is feeling ripped apart inside - then DO NOT come here and offer your advice.

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