
All you Waitresses out there!!!?

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what are the best tips you have for getting big tips?

I always keep beverages full at the tables and i always keep a good eye on my tables so that they aren't waiting for the check too long. what are some other things i can do?




  1. Be friendly, but don't just stand and talk to them forever. Respect their space. It also depends on the restaurant and the costumers on how big your tips will be.

  2. You should think about how you feel as a customer.  I think that when i wait on tables i like to leave them alone, always keep an eye on them yes and always do keep there drinks full but one thing i know i hate when i go out is when our waiter or waitress is always comming back asking me the same question, i just tell my customers "if you would like anything else just let me know, and if your always keeping an eye on them you will see that they are trying to get your attention and then you will go to them :) Always smile and customers are always right!  (sometimes that makes me mad but with a smile.. :))

  3. always bring extra napkins, even if they don't ask.

  4. Have a conversation with your table.  Whenever I'm out and am conversion with my waitress I feel guilty if I don't give her a big tip.

  5. Without being too intrusive into their conversation. . .because THAT can be annoying and irritating to the diners. . .TRY to establish a little bit of a rapport with them, so that when they go to pay the bill, they'll CARE whether you're happy or not with your "tip".  

    It's like going to see a movie where the director did not help you to "care" about the characters.  If the director "failed" establishing their warmth and character with the audience. . . .the audience doesn't really care if they "live"or "die" !

  6. if you are speaking about wanting/needing better tips....

    if a table has kids, act like there the world! parents especially love this!

    Pack up there food just don't throw doggie boxes on the table.

    Draw smiley faces on you're check studies show drawing them on bills raises you tip from 5-10 percent believe it or not...

    Smile be personable if they are wearing something you like or even if you don't like it comment on it... you can usually aw at least one person at a table feel them out before so don't just run over and be like nice hat! i have the same one at home... some people dont want to talk....

  7. smile and make jokes  

  8. I'm not a server, but my older sister is and she always gets good tips if a person isn't too cheap to give them. Basically, just be sweet. Ask for refills, dessert (with the parents), have a small conversation, and try to connect with them.

  9. be friendly. tell them your name. make sure your take the dirty plates right away.

  10. Big tips? Definitely be friendly. I know from personal experience that I enjoy when the waiter is in a happy mood...Nothing too over-exaggerated though.

    As well as bringing extra salad dressing, and things in a timely matter.

    If they look like the type of people who are very talkative, a good conversation starter would work too.

    You have to really analyze to see what their personality is like.

    Good luck!

  11. I was a waitress for years and it's all about the relationship.  I know you only see your customers for a short time but for me being jovial and funny and friendly were the things that got the biggest tips.  Bending over backwards!!  And never be afraid to admit you made a mistake but be sure to correct it as soon as you can!!

  12. Just go out of your way to be personable.  Customers like it when you take interest in them (just don't go overboard)...ex.  I really like your hair, where did you get it done?  Or , that shirt your wearing is great, did they have it in blue...I'd like to buy one for my sister for her b-day...etc.  They eat this up...makes them feel like their closer to you...and you give those close to you more money....BTW...I'm not a waitress, just a customer.  I like chit-chat though...I give bigger tips to chit-chatters... :)

  13. SMILE :) Try not to bug your customer's to much but stay around the area so if they need you they can wave you over.

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