
Allergic Reaction help!

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I am watching my nephew who just broke out in hives. His mom is at a consert and I can't get a hold of her. I have heard her mention beofre that he the doctor prescribed him benedryl but she didn't pack it and her house is locked. I have children's benedryl but the dosing is for 6 years old and up and he just turned one. He he acting fine and not itching as much ...what do I do? It dosen't seem life threating just uncomfortable. Should I just wait it out , his parents will be another three hours or so , should I give him like 1/2 a teaspoon or take him to the hospital? What can I do in the mean time if I'm waiting it out to make him more comfortable?




  1. Weigh him and follow the directions based on his weight. If you have his DR's number, call it.  

    By the way....Benadryl is what the hospital gives your child for an allergic reaction, that IS the right medication!

  2. As long as he is breathing ok and isn't itching as much I would wait it out for a little while and see what happens, see if he can wait until his mom gets back.  If he starts having trouble breathing though or severe itching that makes him scream and cry or if it looks like it is spreading I would go ahead and take him to the ER but they probably won't treat him since you aren't mom.  

  3. no, don't give him that benedryl.

    Do you know what gave him the hives?  give him a bath for now

  4. Just wait it out since you said that he's acting fine and not itching as much now.  Do not take it upon yourself to self prescribe what he should take or how much.  A one year old baby could have very toxic effects from taking too much Benadryl, as I'm sure you know.  

    I can't believe that your Aunt didn't leave you her cell phone number in case you needed to reach her or someone else to call in case of an emergency.  After all, she entrusted you with her most precious gift, her son.

    In the meantime, just make sure he doesn't get overheated.  If he sweats, that will irritate the hives.  Try to not let him scratch it because that will make it spread and get worse.  I've had hives so I know.

    As long as they're not in his throat and aren't causing a breathing problem, it's not like hives are a life threatening thing in that case.  Do you know what caused the hives in this case?  I'd think about what it might have been so that you can tell his mom what you think when she comes back to get him.  

    I don't know where you're writing from but hopefully it's from someplace where it's as late as it is here now, at least the time that a one year old would be going to bed for the night.  When he relaxes and falls asleep, the hives will probably go down.  

    Do you think you could call your Mom for advice if you need to or, is there some other person like an Aunt or someone?  It's scary for you to be put into this situation that holds a lot of responsibility and confusion for you.  Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders though and that you didn't and won't panic.

  5. Call the hospital and talk to a nurse, they can give you much better info than us.

  6. Call the nearest hospital and ask to speak to a triage nurse.  Explain the situation and she will tell you just what to do.  Don't panic.  :)

  7. Give him a bath in some oatmeal. Sometimes that helps.I would not give him anything until his parents say it is ok. If he is actting normal and not sick I think he should be fine. If he starts actting in pain or you feel it is getting worse I would take him to the ER after leaving a message on his parents phone.

  8. i wouldnt give him any benadryl for kids if he is not in the right age/weight category. you can put calamine lotion on his hives to help with the itch, or just a regular lotion would help too. other than that i'd just wait it out till mom & dad get there.

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