
Allison Dubios/ Madaline MaCcann

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I thought AD( themedium") speciallty was to find little kids? Whats the go surley if the are some legit psychics out there they could find Madaline MaCann? Poor little thing some one must know? What do u think?




  1. Really young kids are a commodity for pedophiles in the European market.

    And unfortunately, that was probably her fate.

    You'd think these perverts would get a conscience and report it to the authorities about seeing these young children that disappear all the time.

    I was working a flight, and there was this man with a young girl of about 8 or 9 years of age. She called him dad, but she looked nothing like him. And maybe he adopted her for all I know.

    But just something about the man creeped me out.

    Even when she used the lavatory, he went inside the compartment with her. She did not leave his side for anything.

    I just wish he would have done something that would have given me a right to contact the airport authorities.

  2. was talking about this the other day with my daughter we both agreed that a top notch psychic would be the first person we got in touch with, however I watched a report on the mc canns in their home they have three huge containners for the post they get, one of which is labelled psychics, they just chuck all the mail they get regardeing them in there and don't follow it up, so maybe they are total non believers, which is pretty sad you think they would be desperate enough to try anything wouldn't you?

  3. because if someone actually was able to use something to find a kid like that, do u know how they would be scrutinized and put under scientific testing nd stuff??? unless u pulled that "i got a lucky guess i suppose.." plus u cant do it on command. it kinda happens spontaneously. as for the show medium, ITS HOLLYWOOD. OF COURSE SHE CAN FOCUS ON WHATEVER THE SCRIPT SAYS!!!

  4. It proves it's all BS.

  5. There are so many "psychics" out there today that your better off not believing any of them.

  6. I'm sure that a legitimate one could offer something, some kind of helpful info.

  7. I hope they do find her but dont rely on psychics,they can only pinpoint something in hindsight.The dutch shopkeeper looks the most likely lead but wasnt followed up. ???

  8. Perhaps those in the spirit world do not want the child to be found, or perhaps she is not to be found yet.

    I just pray that she is safe and wherever she finds herself she is loved and taken care of.

  9. A legitimate psychic would find Madeleine

    No psychic has found Madeleine

    So we can conclude that there are no legitimate psychics?

    Well, that is what I conclude, I'm sure others will continue to make excuses for their lack of performance.

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