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Do you think that kids should get allowencess, when they don't do anyhting or should they only get allowences when they do their chores? I really need help for homrwork and ya...

Please help me!!!




  1. im 12 and im sometimes get 10 or 5 dollars for chores and helping.

  2. Well from when I was in 1st grade to when I was in 5th grade I got $2 for allowance.  Then when middle school hit I started getting $20.  Then in high school I got $40, this was to pay for everything, and I had a job.  My first year of college my allowance was $80, then when I moved into my won apt. it was $125 for electric, groceries and EVERYTHING else (plus no job).

    I think if your child maintains good grades, does chores and does what you ask of them, they deserve allowance.  If you pay for everything as a parent, then their allowance is less, and the child can get a job if they wish for more money.  If you don't pay for much, it should be more.  This helps build money management skills.

  3. my mum used to give me £30 a month and so did my dad (they have seperated) but now my dad gives me nothing because i don't really see him that much anymore and my mum said that i can have £40 a month but i have to do chores around the house for it. x*x

  4. no I don't think kids should get a regular allowance, or even for doing their normal chores.  This should be expected of them, and they will think they don't have to do anything unless they are getting paid.  When they know it is expected of them, they will do it without a hassle, and be thankful for what they do get and have. Now if they work for neighbors or do a popsicle stand-something out of the norm, then I think it's great to help them learn that they can make money from hard work out of the home. Worked for me.:)

  5. I don't believe that kids should get allowance for doing chores.   Everyone should be expected to help out with cleaning and such.  

    As far as allowances just given just because, I think is a good thing, because it can teach a child how to save, manage money.

  6. My son is 9 yrs old.. and i don't believe that a child should get money for things they should be learning to do... I also don't believe that they should "get paid" til they something to do wiht the money. like go out with friends.. to me it all depends on the age... goodluck

  7. I think it's a personal issue that each family needs to decide for themselves.  It depends on lots of things.

    What would your kids use an allowance for?

    Do you treat them to special things every so often?

    Do you buy them relatively cool clothes that they like?  

    Do they already do chores?

    Are they asking for one?

    We will probably give our kids a small allowance once they are old enough to appreciate the value of money.  But they will already be doing chores at that point (pre-allowance) and the allowance will take the place of the frivolous extras they might get.  (In my opinion, frivolous extras include the trip once a month to get a donut at the donut shop, or the pretty pony stickers at the dollar store.)

    I think you should only give your kids an allowance if you're going to use it as a teaching tool.  It's a great way to teach your children about saving for that big thing instead of blowing it all at once.  It also helps your child understand that you have limited assets as well and have to budget where your money goes.

  8. An allowance is not a payment for work done, it is an allowance.

  9. i think kids should only get allowances wen they do their chores b/c if ur just bein lazy and not doing their chores why should u get rewarded wen u did nothin  to earn it

  10. I would say making a child do chores for an allowence helps a child to build better understanding of how it is to earn money also its a good way of teaching them to start managing to as well. My parents did it to me and i am able to manage my money pretty well and im a work aholic as well because i enjoy getting paid for the work i do.

  11. I never got an allowance when I was little, and it didn't seem fair to me at the time. Now that I am older, and have a child of my own, I am not going to give him an allowance either. Giving your child chores isn't to get the parent out of doing it, rather giving the child responsibilities so they can learn how to earn a living in life. And I also think that a child shouldn't get paid for cleaning up after them self, it is something that they will need to know how to do so when they grow into an adult, they won't live like slobs, and they can maintain a job. For about 18 years, a child is getting to live in a home for free, free food, and utilities, the least they could do is help with the cleaning.

  12. my kids don't get allowance, they get commissions :)

  13. I give my daughter allowence, but if I have to get onto her about things she knows she needs to do...homework....getting up and getting dressed in the am...we take some of it back......and try again the next week .  It has been working very well for us.

  14. I only give them there allowance when they do there chores without giving me a problem about it.  If overall it was a good week they will get it, or if we have most good days and I get a problem with a couple of the days they may get a partial.  I just go on attitudes mostly.
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