
Allyuh doh fine dat?

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We Trini Dialect Sweeetttttttttt too bad.. I swear I does feel like I bilingual cuz it ha words we does use dat nobody else buh a Trini go understann wha it mean... D bess is when dey say "what did you say" "What language do you speak:" and better yet.. "Speak English".. wdmc.. is what allyuh feel i talkin?...heheh.. anybody agree?? disagree??

I sure it go ha some maco who go look to come on here and tell me "Speak English" or "Learn to talk"....




  1. yes it sweet to bad

    dias dey business if they dont like it.

    it sweet but most of all is We own!!

  2. I am a trini livin in USA. Nothing pisses me off more than being mistaken for a Jamaican. I had to tell off an African American de other day: "What de  h*ll ! De only island ya'll know in de caribbean is Jamaica?! It have other island too yuh know!" I think our accent is unique but other cant seem to hear it. I can pick out a trini form a jamaican, bajan, etc n e day.

  3. Yuh forget to mention de sing song accent too. lol!!. I tink dat really sets us apart from de other islands.


    When I first came here way back when(mid 80s) everyone was Hatian or African if they were darkskin with an accent. Unfortunatly not too many people knew about Trinidad. I think with the popilarity of Carnival people are starting to pay attention cause when I actually meet people that are familiar with Trinidad carnival is the first thing they talk about. By the way is it just me cause it seems Trinidad has the reputation as a  party island. Other Islanders as well as Americans who are familiar with Trinidad always talking about how we like to party.

  4. If anybody tell yuh bout yuh trini accent tell them to haul dey mudders a$$, dey to blasted fass and outta place. Ah set ah never see come see maco's. As meh papa does say..ah set ah kissmeha$$ cunumunoos!

    We trini's sweet fuh so. It eh ha nuttin like we! Friggy gual, you jus keep baboozling them with yuh sweetness!! LOL

  5. de onlyest ting better dan we talk is we food.

    Even de way we does cuss and all sweet, friggy you well cuss way people here and it was pure poetry.

    To who doh get we lingo and vex haul yuh mudder morocoy we doh bizness, cause we does well overstand errrybody. DOh even dare tell me lun to speak engish cuz US english can't spell for sh it

  6. I know what yuh mean, girl. I does real trip off when people ask me, "Are you from Jamaica?" It's annoying, yuh know, because every Caribbean island has a completely different accent.  What makes our accent even more unique are the words we use as well...the Trinidadian so-called French patois. Yuh done know, nobody can do it like we do. I actually have a friend from Denmark and he's always asking me to teach him how Trinidadians talk (though it does sound real jokey in his Danish accent, eh.) lol! But I must admit, I does sound like a real backside when I saying a Danish word.

  7. Girl what I love the best about our "Trini Dialect" is our abilty to transform from Trini Dialect to speaking proper English for the right situations.  Sometimes I don't even understand other Caribbean nationals (Bajans, Jamacians, Lucians and especially Guyanese)

    In other words............................

    Ah real like de way we does speak nah, we does cut it real nice and dem people an dem jealous we accent!

  8. What l does wonder is if they does have ah problem with how Jamaicans speak!! Because yuh know long time in the States when yuh tell people yuh from Trinidad, because of how yuh sound they used to ask yuh "what part ah Jamaica is that"!

    I love my Trini dialect! What l like to do on Y!A is when l write my answer in dialect, use check spelling and see the alternatives they give to we "bad spelling"!! lol!


    I heard some Jamaicans boasting already that THEY ARE THE CARIBBEAN!  So l guess that's what they portray out there!

  9. Gyul, ah LOVE de way we people does vocalize eh! Lol! Ah rememba de fus time meh in laws did hear me talk like dat. Ah had jus met dem (before ah get married) an ah was talkin real proper English tuh make a good impression. Well, Mom called my cell an yuh know yuh girl change track one time! Well, they loved it and everyone was trying to talk like we! Ah still get "What are you saying?" and "Repeat that?" but never in a bad in laws are black southern people so is Ebonics on one side an we talk on de nex! Lol!

    Allyuh eva hear dis one:

    A Canadian Highway Patrolman pulled a car over and told the Trini driver that because he was wearing his seatbelt he had just won $5,000 in the Province safety competition.

    "What are you going to do with the money?" asked the policeman.

    "Well, I goin get a driver's license," he answered. "Oh, doh listen to him," yelled the Guyanese woman in the passenger's seat..."He does talk chupidness when he drunk."

    This woke up the Bajan guy in the back seat, who took one look at the cop and moaned,"I knew we was not gonna get far in dis thiefin car."

    At that moment, there was a knock from the trunk and a Jamaican voice said, in patois, "Yow!, I man mek it crass di barder yet?"

    Now they all were very nervous.

    The patrolman said, "I always loved the island music but never understood the words. Here's your voucher, have a nice day.

  10. Yea ah find dat ! Dat's whao ah torkin

  11. after people initial response of what language you talking, they start listening and realise just how beautiful we sound, and what a flowing, singsong language our dialect can be.  after listening to it for a while, i know a lot of people who ask to be taught to speak like us>

    My cuz has been in NY bout 2 years .. going college. and works at an afterschool homework center.  initially when she spoke to the children they were like...what language are you speaking or talk english.  

    NOW, they all want to learn to speak like a trini.  Soooo, in exchange for them behaving, she teaches them to pronounce words like ah trini and the way to properly phrase ah sentence to sound trinidadian. lol.  imagine them asking someone..wha d h**l you was?  yu couldna flecking/frigging call meh and tell meh....  or. you ent ha no blasted broughtupsy yuh stinking muddaz (shut your mouth)
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