
Alright Penguins fans, unite together?

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If you will be at any of the Cup games in Detroit, as soon as they throw the octopus, start throwing stuffed penguins onto to the ice. Show those Wings fans that we're gonna win this series!!!




  1. Red Wings Queen is right. Why not throw a real dead penguin on the ice?

    A true fan would do that

  2. Penguins are 12-2 in the post season with a red hot goalie and whole lot of fire power, Detroit need not be so cocky.

  3. AKA Bandwagon Pens fans unite togeter!!!!

  4. I dont see how stuffed penguins will show Wings fans that Pittsburgh will win, but hey, do what you gotta do I guess.

  5. That would not be advisable.   You're risking a delay of game penalty.   The octipi is a tradition for a team that's considered a dynasty.   The Pens aren't good enough to have anything like that.

    Let's go Red Wings!!!!

  6. Yeah...Throw the Stuffed animals. Us Wings fans Roll with the REAL octopus. We're all REALISTIC about this series, We're not in La la land. So take your stuffed animal Penguins and sleep tight, Dreaming away, about how they will win the Cup. Cuz its not going to happen in REALITY. lmao

    Jay k- LoL you just made me feel like a cold hearted animal killer :(

    ** LoL that would be pretty hilarious if you just found a Penguin Waddling on the street. But for real though, there adorable Animals.

  7. Do it... we don't give a c**p.  It's just like every other franchise who tries to copy our tradition.

    It won't affect our crowd any.

    This is a fun tradition in Detroit.  Seriously, the Detroit fans have gotten enough c**p for not "filling" the seats... even though all games are sold-out, but now they get c**p for having a team tradition and supporting their team.  Give it a rest already.

    A stuffed penguin is not going to help you win any series against the Red Wings.  Nor is an octopus going to help win a series.  Its just a FUN tradition to show support for their team.  Have you forgotten that the game is supposed to be fun for the fans?

    You do realize that this has been going on for years... where the fans of the Wings opponent try to be clever and come up with their own un-original idea.  Get over yourselves.  It would be ok if you came up with an idea, independent from trying to "out-do" the octopus, but that ain't going to happen, so stop trying.

    It's going to feel so good when the Wings win this.

  8. How about they unite by throwing hats on the ice after a hattrick instead?The Octupus is the Wings gimmick so why try and make up your own on the fly?Ohh by throwing stuffed animals on the ice that will show the fans you will win the series?I can see it now Malkin is down on the bench because the Wings took a 3-2 lead but a lil penguin hits the ice and he gets energized and scores 2 in the final minute..C'mon?

  9. I say we throw some of the awful (and therefore expendable) players we've had in recent history. So toss a Shane Endicott (I shudder at the mention of his name)

    or a Joe Melichar onto that ice. Show your Penguins spirit.

  10. Oh look he wants to bring his snugly toys

    Good luck with that

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