
Alternative medicine question?

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anyone have any suggestion on alternative meds for severe allergies

My son is 10 had suffers from allergies. He is taking singulair and Zyrtec and my worst fear I think has come true. I think he has developed an ulcer from taking it. I am taking him to DR tomarrow to make sure. But I hated having him on the stuff but he has allergies so bad. He also does nasal rinses and takes a teaspoon of raw honey . When ever I can get him to. does anyone know anything else I could do?




  1. Have you had him actually tested for allergies?   Most doctors will prescribe without actually testing, just going by the symptoms.  There are skin tests for allergies, scratch tests and blood tests.  You also might want to see a chiropractor that does muscle testing.  Not sure how you would find him other than just word of mouth, but I have used one with wonderful success for my kids.  Once you remove his allergens, he should have limited problems -- that is just how allergies work. And I had heard it was the raw honeycomb, not just the honey, that helped with allergies.  (Chew 3 times daily for at least 20 minutes.  once you quit chewing the honeycomb, the allergies will come back)  Keep up with the nasal rinses as that is probably helping him greatly.

  2. netty pots work wonders, that is, if you could get him to use with without freaking out!  I was freaked the first time, but it rinses so much from your sinuses.  I also use the upgraded furnace filters, humidifiers, and air purifiers.

  3. I have heard that Urine Therapy helps with allergies.

    google: urine therapy "allergies"

  4. Get Dr Ohhera's Probiotics+12 found on line.  This may take a couple of months to see a difference.  But have him take two capsules each day  They are all natural and wont harm him.

      Stop him from eating sugar and carbs as much as possable.   Drink lots of processed water.  Take him away from peanut butter and peanuts in general.  Take him away from any wheat germ, anything made with white flower for a while.  Get him on a good high potency childs vitamin.

       After a month then start giving these food items back one at a time .  If he gets sick you will no what to keep away.

  5. Aller Ease from

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