
Always eats and Now he refuses?

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My 16 month old son has never had a problem eating, somewhat picky but if you said food or even walked toward the kitchen he was there waiting for you to give him something. He started to get a little bit of a cold and started refusing to eat anything. Now the cold is gone and he is acting fine, running, playing and talking. He doesn't have a fever anymore or anything but he still will not eat, and if he does it is only nibbles of bread here and there. He will drink water and milk but nothing else, he has started sleeping a lot yesterday he took 4 naps instead of his regular 1 or 2. Anyone have any idea what is going on with my little man, I am starting to get a little worried.




  1. im not a mother or anything, but maybe take him to the doctor and see if there is anything causing that. If not, it might just be a phase, make eating fun, take animal crackers and make their noises and then try and get him to eat it. Or whatever you choose. I hope that helps some, at least.

  2. Teething!

    Hot.....what is the temp where you are? kids would all but stop eating and then shoot up 3-4".

    Unless he is showing signs of an illness, I would just go with the flow.....just make sure lots of liquid is being taken in.

    Kids go through eating need to worry, unless other signs are there too.

  3. Give it a little more time; if he had a cold he most likely had a little sore throat as well and that takes a little while to go away.  You can try giving him an over the counter pain medicine like Tylenol (follow dosage instruction on the bottle or inset), and see if that makes him a little more comfortable eating.  Also try "soft" foods like soup, yogurt, apple sauce, pudding and see if that does the trick.

  4. I know that when I've been really sick, it takes me a few days to get back in the groove of eating.  Give him a few days, and he will probably come around, meanwhile, serve him familiar favorites....milk, water, juice, fresh fruit like watermellon slices, strawberries, ......whatever he'll eat.

    Good luck

  5. I wouldn't worry at all. All children go through this - my eldest did, definitely, and at 3½ he still does. He sounds perfectly fine and because he is acting normally, you needn't worry. I know that is easier said than done, though - at times I would get quite panicky when my son would only eat on or two mouthfuls. But, if you were to write down everything your son ate for a week, you would soon see that he is eating more than he needs, I am sure! Just make sure that you are not giving him too much to eat in between meals (because you are conscious that he hasn't been eating very much) and just let him eat pretty much what he wants at meal times - if he has some favourites, give him those. My youngest is 14 months and he is a wonderful eater, but even he has had phases where he will not eat anything we give him. But, he never refuses fruit, so when he hasn't eaten very much for a couple of days, I always make sure he has something I know he likes.

  6. my daughter is 3 and she acts like that after getting over  a cold it always takes her a while to get her appetite back. I would offer him things you know he likes to eat what ever that may be. that's what I do with my daughter and it always works. I would also take him to the doctor to make sure everything is okay he may not have a fever but he may still be a ill.

  7. You should take him to the doctor. Or you could bury him for a thousand years.

  8. Get him to his doctor.  You need reassuance & to know what it going on.

  9. I would take him to the doctor.  He may have a sore throat, strep throat or ear infections.  I once took my kid to the doctor and he was acting normal but they tested him for strep and the doctor was shocked that he had it because his throat was not that red.  He could also be teething.  

    My daughter (15 months) had a cold with a runny nose and I took her to the doctor 2 times to make sure that her ears were okay and they were.  Then at her 16 month appointment I was shocked to find out that she had fluid in one ear and an infection in the other.  She was not acting out or sleeping badly or pulling at her ears either .  Give him some Motrin and take him to the doctor to be sure.

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