
Always having this probelm.?

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i'm trying to be a good christain,,and iv'e been saved several times...but i fall back to my old ways....what should i do?




  1. You need to keep your faith and follow through instead of letting your self fall short.  Most people fail because they accept it and lower the standard.  You have it in you because you know where to turn when things are too much.  The answer isn't reinventing the wheel just making some small adjustments and you will stay on track.  Stay away from negative people with bad influences.   Find new "better" friends to help you by leading with a good example.  Good Luck, just know it's up to you, succeed or fail.

  2. Try starting every day with devotions. Buy a devotional book and read it every morning with prayer. When you start your day focused on God it is easier to keep going all day. Also don't give-up. God doesn't expect us to be perfect just to believe and to try to be Christ like. Look how many times Peter got it wrong before he got it right. All the disciples fell and messed up many times. Jesus was patient with them and always helped them see their mistakes. Being a good Christian is a life long quest. I've been at it for 30 years and still mess up. Lastly, try to find a couple of good christen friends to help you. To give you strength. Until you are a strong christian, hanging around people who are doing the wrong things will never turn out well.

  3. The only way you will be truly saved is if you allow Christ into your heart and therefore want to be you need to look at why you wanted to be saved(i.e. to look good in front of others, or to please a spouse, or to please a minister?)Next, I have to say that one does not have to run to church all the time to be saved and to live a Christian life.....If you live the principles of the Holy Book---love, forgiveness, helping others, peacefulness, then you actually are a Christian...

  4. keep trying, everything takes time to perfect :)

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