
Am I Bi-Polar? Lengthy Description.

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This is what it was like yesterday. (I'm fifteen years old by the way) I woke up, super happy. I took a bath with lots of bubbles and I was happier then a pig in mud. I was playing with the water and bubbles, blowing bubbles in the air, spinning around in the water, singing happy songs. I mean, it's as cheasy as it sounds, but I was very happy. I eat lunch, and I'm still pretty happy. I go to the park and read a book, still very happy. I come home, and all of sudden I am so depressed. I cry, yell, scream, and think about all the bad things in my life. I feel like commiting suicide and my whole life is collapsing on me. This goes on until night arrives, and I become a silly, teenager again: Lip-synching to my music with a hair brush in hand as my microphone, moving my hips and wearing nothing but my bra and undies.

Today, I woke up un-happy. I woke up in such a bad mood. Crying and stuff. I walk out of my room and smash my hand on a few things. I become angry at many things such as the screaming children outside my window who don't shut up until midnight. I watch The Lost Boys 2, and then become even more down for some reason. I though thta my bring me up but it didn't. I feel so depressed that I go eat some stuff that are NOT apart of my diet. I get a phone call from my sister, and I'm still down. I'm STILL a little bit down right now.

Now, from what I understand. Bi-polar people have it more severe then that. Where their in a ditch for days and won't eat or anything.

God Bless.




  1. You mentioned that you ate food that was not part of your diet. Are you on a special diet? Could it be food allergies? Are you unhappy with your weight and that is the reason for dieting? Your condition may be due to something else. Teen age years are really tough.. May be you are just a little depressed about your weight.

  2. You may be bipolar. That sounds pretty severe to me!

    Tell your mom about your feelings.

  3. Fairly classic manic-depressive mood swings.  You are going to need help with this.  Could be hormonally triggered, could be event triggered, but the important thing is you suffer from the effects, and that's not acceptable when the disorder can easily be treated!

    Bi-Polar is just a word.  Forget labels...get to a psychiatrist and get the proper treatment for your disorder.  Lots of people experience this, and it won't go away.  So get on top of it while you are young, so your life won't become a living h**l.

    Incidentally, there are many levels of these mood swings.  They can be very high and very low, last a short time and last a long time.  You need to be in a place where they don't happen at all.  Get help!

  4. i think you are just being a teenager with bad mood swings. its all part of growing up. if you do think it is something more than this then trying to find an answer on here is not a good idea. you need to see your doctor and get a proper diagnosis.

    good luck

  5. my sister sort of have stuff like this going on and so she went to her therapist and they gave her some tests, (shes 15 also) and he said that she can not be diagnosed with it because she is so young,and until she really turn older like an adult then time will tell if she will get worse or better. but now she is happier,so i guess just wait and see for a few more years...?

  6. im bi-polar and it is actually chemicals in the brain that are the cause of it.  sometimes im very happy and could laugh at almost whatever anyone would say but then i would suddenly be very very upset over nothing and i would maybe cry.  and its one moment very happy then the next moment very depressed.  i know what its like and i took medication for it but then i stopped taking it cause of my rutine.  maybe its just a phase or something who knows  ;)

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