
Am I Not Sociable??????

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This summer holiday, I have hardly seen any of my friends, apart from one who lives round the corner from me! I invited one friend to go to the cinema but she didn't want to. I make the effort but nobody else seems interested. So does that make me miserable if I have only seen 1 friend out of the whole 6 weeks?




  1. Meh!! Thats life I'm afraid. I have got this far in life with only a few friends, socialising ain't everything.  

  2. Naa loads of peeps this 6 weeks have done exactly the same as you. If good to spend time in your own company for a change. Just think of all the weeks and months you spend at scool seeing your friends. You not unsocially bab!! x.x.x.

  3. don't worry about it, i'm the same. i see my friends practically every day of the year so we tend to just do our own thing during the summer, and we can have a break from each other. you're not miserable at all!

  4. At least your trying!

    ive been asked to go out to places, i say yes, but when i wake up that morning i just can't be bothered!

    summer holidays make us lazy.

  5. Yeh i know what you mean, This summer has been very boring and not very sociable which is why i cant wait to go back to college and see my old buddies.

    It shouldn't make you miserable but i know how you feel you just wanna do something fun and be round your friends a bit more.

  6. Well only you can decide. if you truly made the effort to get in contact with them and nobody responds that means you are trying to be sociable. you still have a few days left to have a nice memory of the summer of '08 so why not invite them all for a picnic, or head out to the cinema or shopping.

  7. not really

    if you're in the UK then you'll know the weather has been totally c**p this year.

    i've hardly been out for that reason. my friends just want to stay in, and if we want to go out we'll have a sleepover or something.


  8. no your just hard core

  9. What are you doing instead?...I think that yeah you are kinda unsociable....have you only invited one person one time during the whole summer? I feel much better when I hang out with my friends so I do alot but also loove free time alone. If you feel good chillin out at home well then nothing needs to change but if you're bored or irritable get out there, if you dont join in much it will take a couple of invites to get people to see that you want to do something fun with them! Good Luck!

  10. no not really

    buh make a myspace and stuff :)


  11. do what makes you happy

    it might not seem like what you think is 'normal'

    im like that myself a lot

    dw youre fine but do what YOU want to do ;)

  12. no, not at all,

    thats a bit like me actually! :)

    you can't blame your self if you made the effort and nobody could go. thats just what happenes sometimes.

  13. Well sometimes I am not sociabile but it all depends on whether you are depressed about something or if that is a personality trait of yours. You know. Ask yourself why didn't you want to hang with some of your friends? Were they boring? Do they not keep your interest? Are they phony? Sometimes we go through phases, only time can really tell. Good luck.  

  14. I don't think that you are that far gone round the "not sociable" twist. Although I cherish friends and family, my uni studies (including summer schedule) put me in a situation where I must either enjoy a degree of solitude or be continually under social and reading pressure.

    If only one person actually comes about over any given period (like the rain storm a couple weeks ago) that works the treat for me. In the latter case, me mate and his parents had lost electricity to their homes, a mile away I had: he brought is daughter and nephew over to watch tele.  A nice time of it, but alas, I have learned...

    "The best company is often my own" Well, my company, BBC DAB 7 and 4, and my two canine companions. Nice thing about living alone in the old family home (parents dead) or at an absent friend's house when near the uni I can have my lab mix friends with me. They make no demands of consequence!

  15. Neh.. your friends are the ones who suck in this particular situation.

  16. Well I must be even worse than you then. Phoned them tho...

  17. I would question your choice in friends!  If they were friends.. they would be there to continue hanging out and stuff.  Look closely at your "friends" they may just be your fiends when you are in school .  

  18. Miserable?  Only you can answer that, but I don't think you're unsociable since you've made attempts to contact friends and they chose to stay home!

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