
Am I Running To Much?

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I just resently got a tred mill.

i started using it 3 days ago so right now im still sore.

i wiegh 180 pounds and 5'6 so yeah im sort of fat.

so the first day i walked for 10 min and then ran for 10 min and then walked for 5 and then ran for 5 more so a total of 30 minutes of walking and runnng

the second day i ran 15 minutes walked for 5 and ran for 10 mor minutes so a total of 30 more minutes

and yesterday i ran for 25 minutes and ran for 5 and ran for 5 more.

so my question is is this healthy because evry day im starting to get more and even more sore. am i pushing myself to hard by adding more minutes of runing evryday? and when will i start seeing result of wieght loss if i continue running the way i am??





  1. No, but instead of seeing how many minutes u do, try and see how many miles you can do because no one  can help you if we dont know how fast your going.

  2. Ok. I am a cross country runner running 5:00 miles as a sophmore here are a few ticks i use to help mysel improve i run a variety of work outs that can help u on ur tredmill

    monday: On your tredmill or outside go for a 20 minute run. Then wait 15 minutes or 20 minutes and then go for a 5-7 mile run or 45 minute-1 hour run.

    tuesday: Today go nice and easy 40 minute run or 4 mile run. =)

    wednesday: ok today is going to be h**l but today is going to make you so happy in the end go do hills on the steepist hill you know you will do this hill 2-4 intervuls as hard s you can or you can go do fartlicks or speed work this is a very fun workout you run as hard as you can for a minute or 2 and then slow down to your normal pace and continue this every five minutes. ok.

    Thursday: is another easy day.

    Friday: Is a distance day go 7-8 miles but right now go 5-8.

    Weekend: Bike 10 miles.

    Do this every week and be successful(THE BEST OF LUCK)

    P.s. please vote me as the best answear i appreciate it....


  3. yes it is very healthy... the average adult should get at the very minimum 1/2 hour of excersize per day and a child should get 1 full hour... it is very healthy to do this and also dont count on wieght to drop so fast because u build up muscle and it wieghs more than fat. Also just because you have strong muscles doesnt mean it will show if it is hidden under fat.... stop eating c**p and you will be skinny. GL

  4. you should stop running and gain 100 pounds.

  5. give yourself recovery days every once in a while when your body needs it.  in the long run, recovery days are the best times to build muscle mass as it heals.  check out for beginners running tips and training schedule :)

  6. Not at all dude. How bout on my first day of running I did 4miles....... I think you should do 1 hr

  7. you are

  8. no

    in xc the fat people run just as much as the not fat people

    you really have to get a good stretch in before that though

    and an even better after

    it is awsome that you are running ! but it is nice out! try running outside :)

  9. you're not running to much i do 5-8 miles a day and i way 87lbs and am 5'3 and im a freshmen in high school. but you will be sore because your muscles are starting to actually work out

  10. take breaks once and a while

    maybe run for 3 days and then take a break for a day to go out with friends or with your pet outside

    then do 3 more days.. then a break

    your body will get more used to it

    and for now take some Advil to get your muscles not as sore :]

  11. no.

    most people run almost 5miles a day.
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