
Am I a Cro-magnon person?

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My family is Native American. We have proof that we were here longer 10,000years ago. this is on my mother's side.




  1. maybe if your mom found a frozen cro magnon dude and thawed out his weiner and it still had some viable baby gravy stuck to it, then pleasured herself with it and became pregnant, you would be half cro magnon...  

  2. No. Our DNA is different. Q.E.D.

  3. indeed, after 45,000 years of being in the americas, not just 10,000 years, you would be considered a cromagnon, if not from one huge detail: homo sapien-sapiens evolved from cromagnon BEFORE 45,000 years ago.

  4. No, you are a Homo sapiens.  Cro-Magnon subtype of the genus Homo has been extinct for about 10,000 years.  While we as a species are directly related to Cro-Magnon man, it would be physically impossible for you to be an actual Cro-Magnon.

  5. Technically, all living humans are Cro-Magnon.  At least, as far as we can tell they are.

  6. no

    it means your from the asian races

    cro magnan existed far far longer ago than that

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