
Am I allergic to bees?

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On Wednesday of last week, I was stung by a bee. I didn't know if I was allergic, all the symptoms seemed normal(redness, swelling, and of course stinging)

Then, I would say maybe 3 hours later, the swelling went down and you couldn't even tell I was stung by a bee.

Well it's been exactly a week since I've been stung, and now the area in which I was stung is randomly really swollen and really itchy.

I did Google it, but I got mixed answers.

I asked my pharmacist, and he says it's a light allergic reaction.

Is it really, or has anyone else gone through this also and not allergic?

I'm just concerned because it's such a random delayed reaction.




  1. it really is a light reaction, don't worry and don't touch it

  2. yes, its a small alergic reaction ive had it before so yes it is but its nothing to worry about it wont kill you or anything.  

  3. im not certain but last summer i got stung by a bee.  i didnt know if i was allergic to them or not so i took more allegra and waited, i  didnt have any trouble breathing or that feeling like my throat was shutting, but  the area where i got stung was swollen and hurt and itched for 2 weeks, and if i didnt keep hydrocortisone cream on it it itched worse. so yes we might be allergic to bee stings

  4. if you were allergic you would be dead.people who are allergic to bees always carry a fist aid medical kit specifically for bee stings in there cars and purses and stuff

  5. well consult some other doctur ,, may be he/she has answer .

    but watever u do ,,do not scratch over it again and again, coz if its some kind of allergy, it will only spread and increase ur troubles.

  6. i agree with your pharmacist.

  7. that has never happend to me maybe you should go to the doctor! that does not sound to good!

  8. You would be unconscious and oozing vomit and p**p if you had a severe reaction and on deaths door ringing the bell.  I recon the sting part of the bee is still in you that is all.  Poor bee, its bottom is in you and he is dead.  Poor you having a bees bottom in you.  Lose - lose situation here.

  9. Yes, that's a slight allergic reaction -- from time to time, I get exactly the same reaction. It's pretty common.

    And it doesn't mean it's going to get more severe another time, if that's something that had occurred to you.

    As far as treating it's concerned, check with your pharmacist.

    Personally, I use a tiny amount of a very mild corticosteroid cream called HC45. It works brilliantly and is a lot better than inflamed, itchy skin which can so easily get infected.

    info about HC45 here:

  10. when stung by a bee, those are the typical symptoms every human being goes through. it doesn't make them allergic. how ever when a person suffers fainting, extreme swelling that last longer then two days, and possible develops an abscess, that's called an allergy that is in need of medical attention. you're fine sweetie.
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