
Am I alone in this...?

by  |  earlier

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I got a brand new pair

Of camouflage pants today

They're green and kind of speckled

Quite nice

I have to say

The trouble is

That I put them down

And though I know they're near

They've blended in with all around

And simply disappeared…






  1. ahahh thats really cute. and no youre not alone in this.  happens to me all the time. =]


  3. wow, that was REALLY good!! I loved it! It was so good I read it over and over and over again! :P

  4. Reminds me of my son when he was 4.  I got him a camo suit like I wear hunting, and he put it on and sat down on the couch and didn't move.  After a bit, he giggled, and his mother asked what was funny.  He whispered, "You can't see me, I am camouflaged".

  5. wow............. that was pathetic .

  6. The question begs asking...would anyone notice anything when the pants are down?  lol  Cute and funny.

  7. Wow dude! just like Harry Potter's invisible cloak! awesome!

    Loved the poem lol

  8. a cute verse. Sell it to the Ladies' Home Journal to use as a column closer, and it will help finance your more serious work. "Verse" is nice and has its place, but it's not top-circle poetry. But I smiled, and I'm glad I read it. Thanks.

  9. Chameleon pants!  Yes, I would say you are definitely alone in this.  Next time, don't put them down outside.

  10. I had to smile when I read this one.  I love it!

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