
Am I an Empath?

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I tend to get overwhelmed in crowds. I have mood swings. At times, after being around large groups of people I am totally exhausted both mentally and physically. I am very sensitive to people's emotions and to animals. I've been reading up on empathy, but want to know more and hear other's input.

Is there a place I can go for more information on empathy?

Is there something I can do to keep from feeling ill/overwhelmed in groups?





  1. No, that sounds more like a mild form of social anxiety disorder.  I have the same thing - no meds required - just avoid large crowds if you don't want to feel uncomfortable.  It's actually pretty common.  Not quite sure what you mean by 'empathic' - you don't have super powers.  You're just sensitive.

  2. What "ecparano" said jumped out at me!! I thought I was the only one who did that! I worked with a girl who had been in a wreck and was partly paralyzed on one side..and walks with limp. I started doing it too...without trying to. There was a member of our family too that I started "imitating" the way she walked....without realized it at first. But that's probably not being an empath. Maybe an empath is what I said in another answer just lately on here...about a "healer" feeling the other person's pain..where the pain was. I know that I've had empathy...crying when someone tells me something..sad or happy. Happy will do it more than sad. I've put up a lot of blocks against this happening...feeling for other people..because I have PTSD  ..and live with the fear of not being able to handle when my dog recently died. I hate not being able to express sadness, grief , or pain. Not that I don't feel it way inside..I just try to "stuff it".  You MIGHT have "social anxiety"...but you also might be picking up on their feelings..Maybe it's like when a psychic goes to a hospital..and a lot of people who died there want to talk to them..or she/he sees them. Anyway..I DO know what you mean.Sorry I can't be of more help. I could google it for you..but I'm sure you know how to google and probably already have.

    edit..Somebody's having a field day with thumbs down.

  3. This could be nothing more than social anxiety or mild agoraphobia.  But people can convince themselves of all sorts of things.  So if believing in invented and unsubstantiated mental conditions eases this anxiety then by all means believe in it.  However, if that doesn't work then please consider a more traditional alternative.

  4. Often empaths not only feel emotional feelings, but can also feel the physical pain of others. This isn't always the case, but is common. For instance, my mother's friend went in for knee surgery, and afterwards my mother walked with a limp for a week. If you are finding yourself overwhelmed, I would suggest you do some reading. Books to look for would be books by other psychics who talk about the development of their abilities. Often they will talk about their early experiences and inability to control their abilities, and they will tell you how they learned to control them. Control will be the key, and it has to be learned.

  5. i am the same way

    just relax

    try talking more

    make some friends

  6. Empathy is just the ability to recognize how someone is feeling by looking at them... it's not a paranormal phenomenon.

    For example:

    : ) happy.........   : ( sad...........

  7. Shielding and grounding techniques help a lot. If it doesn't help after a couple of weeks (give yourself time to get a hang of it) you might want to look into medical reasons why this is happening. I've listed plenty of info for you below. :)

  8. You sound a lot like me, and I'm not an "empath". Groups and crowds sometimes have the very same effect on me. There's nothing psychic going on, it's just how humans inter-relate with each other.

  9. I'm Empathic and it sounds like you could be. I hate hospitals or nursing homes. Oh my god! I was studying to be a CNA and I could not do it and i just burst into tears crying. I didn't know why but I did. Those poor lonely people. Feel free to contact me we and talk more and maybe I can help.

  10. Other people may laugh, but I feel like I absorb other peoples emotions. If I am around someone who is happy then I feel happy if I am around someone who is depressed I feel that way too. However that other person feels that's what I feel like. Let me say it is VERY hard to go into a funeral home. This is more that just sympathizing with other people. It is actually like feeling them inside me. What has helped me the most is learning to "distance myself" from the situation. Learn some deep breathing exercises so that you can relax somewhat whenever you are in these situations. Also pick a "place" you can go to. I picked the beach. When you deep breathe to relax, picture yourself sitting in your quiet place. It gives you a few moments of solitude so you aren't overwhelmed and can get a grasp on these emotions you are bombarded with. I hope this helps. You are not alone there are others like us.

  11. What I do is just use my own version of shielding. It could  just be psyching yourself into being more comfortable, but I think it helps anyway. Also, you might want to check out a martial art that focuses on energy. Aikido, Judo, Ju Jitsu, Tai Chi, etc. I know that's what's helped me a lot.

  12. I think the proper term is "introvert". Take the Myers Brigss personality test, ("google" it) It will tell you all about it.

  13. It sounds like you more likely have agrophobia...A fear of open spaces.
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