
Am I insane? I think so...?

by  |  earlier

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alright...I do things that freak me out later...hmm, I'll make a list

1. I crunch ants and put them in a pile

2. I imagine myself as a guy making out with other guys

3. When on the internet I create different personalities that are really unique...really..

4. I glare at people to scare them away

5. I draw bugs

6. Whenever my mom talks, I want to kill her

7. I made a plan to kill my dad by poison...

just a few actually..




  1. yeah you need to go to therapy... nothing wrong with the bugs but killing you're dad and mum... thats weird

  2. I don't think you're insane. You sound like an angry, conflicted teenager with a couple odd quirks. Not uncommon. :) If it would make you feel better, maybe see a psychiatrist.

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