
Am I left or right handed?

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I've been wondering this for a while... but can't decide.

I write and use a spoon with my left hand. But then again my right hand is much stronger, I can throw things very far with it. Also, usually when I need to do something accurately, I mostly use my right hand, although using my left hand isn't weak at doing this either.

Whenever I'm playing tennis, I use my right hand, though I can play almost as well with my left hand. In badminton I even change my hands when my other hand feels exhausted.

My left hand is weaker though, I throw like a baby girl with it.

There's no question that I'm left footed, I'm a ex soccer player and I always used my left.

So what am I?




  1. You are ambidextrous, just like me.

    I do almost everything with my right hand,like guitar playing, the holding of rackets, using of scissors, and anything to do with sports. My right leg is my dominant leg. Almost everything except for writing, holding spoons and chopsticks.

    If someone were to ask me which "hand category" I belonged to, I would say that I am left handed, after all, I write with my left hand:D.

    I guess you should say you are left handed, after all, you belong to that special 10% of people who write with your left hand. :D

  2. left handed; I think it mainly depends on what hand you write with.

  3. right handed for sure.

    if you were ambiwhatever people are saying,

    then you would be able to throw equally with your right hand.

    so yea your right handed fer sure

  4. Both.

  5. this is a stupid question.

  6. Very lucky.

    My son writes, cuts, eats,bats and catches left handed, but kicks with his right foot.  He also began using the computer mouse on the left side, which I (a righty) adopted, but now he has adapted to using it on the right side, since they sit that way on the computers at school.

  7. right

  8. You're ambidextrous. It's a talent! I am the same way... I bat, play hockey, hold a stirring wheel with my left hand. I eat and write with my right hand.

  9. Ambidextrous! I'm so jealous! I wish I could use both hands equally as well!

  10. you're dual-handed

  11. I think you are ambidextrous; you are neither right- nor left-handed. Most people define the dominant hand as the hand that one uses to write. Since you write with your left hand, that would make it seem that you are left-handed. However, the fact that you mostly seem to use your right hand for sports argues that you are right-handed. Don't let this trouble you; as an ambidextrous person you have many advantages like being able to switch hands.

  12. Well you are telling us that your dominant hand is the right, but you are fortunate enough to be able to use the left when necessary.  I wouldn't describe this as true ambidexterity, since the strength and ability would need to be evenly shared between left and right for that. So you are dominantly right-handed and left footed.

  13. you're stupid.. what's the use of finding out if you're right or left handed.. why not keep it a secret and use it to your advantage when having some friendly challenge with peers? stupid...

  14. i think you're is right handed, but your left hand completed your body.

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