
- - - - Am I really here?

by  |  earlier

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Or it is just a figment of your imagination?




  1. No , you are there .

  2. well ur actually there since more than person has posted to this unless everyone in the world who has access to this site is then part of my imgaination and then who am i am i just the image of some one else and if so are they just an image and on and on  

  3. Your living in this world like every one else. Check out the 7 vital functions, and if you see that you have them all (which OBVIOUSLY you have) then you can rest assured that you are a live person.

    I don't know if you know the 7 vital functions, but I'll say them just in case:

    1) Movement

    2) Respiration

    3) Sensitivity

    4) Growth

    5) Reproduction

    6) Excretion

    7) Nutrition

    Do you have them?

    Of Course you do!!:):) At least I hope so! hehe! :)

    I don't think I'm answering to a ghost! (Which is quiet unprobable!)

    I hope I answered to your question in a good enough way for you to be satisfied:)


    Ps- If your a ghost, then please do wright to tell us what sort of life a ghost actually lives. As it's unknown, it sounds a bit interesting till to a certain extent:)

  4. Ammm...... i sort of get ure question...................................

    maybe not!

    well ofcorse your here!! god created you!!!! ure not just an imagination! no one is!!!!!!!!!

  5. I dont get ur question.but i guess so.

  6. LOL wow, you are quite the character. I am real, I assure you. I have thoughts and emotions just like you.

    And my man-titties, I also assure you, are not silicone. All-natural.

  7. You are definitely not over here.

  8. its a figment of my imagination

    and right now

    my imagination is pissed

    so i advise u to be quiet

    and not trifle with my brain/imaination

  9. the truth:


  10. You are really sitting at your computer posting an existential question to the ether. I suggest turning the silly thing off and going for a brisk walk. If breathing deeply of fresh air doesn't convince you, try getting a dog.

    Then you'll be sure.  

  11. You could be there be there,or you could be just a figment of ones imagination as long as you choose,which of the two you prefer to be.

    Thanks for asking

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