
Am I serving right? (volleyball)?

by Guest61265  |  earlier

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I was practicing my over hand serve today....However, I dont know if Im doing it right because after about an hr of practicing I got a bruise on the fleshy part under neath the thumb right by the wrist...

So I'm wondering when you do an over hand serve with what part of the hand are you supposed to hit (A diagram would help)? if I have a bruise Im thinking Im doing it wrong....




  1. u probably jambed ur thumb i did that b4 ... ur surving right but somtimes these things happen

    good luck

  2. i don't tink it is right to have a bruise

  3. you really need to serve the ball with the palm or your hand.  you will have much more control, and it doesnt bruise.  if it does, you arent serving properly.  [sorry, i couldnt find a good diagram,  try and talk to the volleyball coach or one of the players who know.]

  4. it depends on the serve if you're floor serving you need to toss at the height comfortable step with your left foot towards it at the same time draw your arm back and hit the ball with your palm firm

    so it's toss step and hit like a rhythm

    if you're float serving then you nave to time it right and if it's a jump serve them the timing of your toss is even more cruciall.

  5. you should be hitting it with the palm-ish part of your hand. (does that make sense?)

    You shouldnt be hitting it with the middle part of your hand where it caves in a little. So the outer edges, i guess is what youd say

    Make sure it is firm, and you will have a great hit

    Good luck!

  6. It's best for you to hit right smack in the center of your palm... it's more accurate. If you have a bruise on your hand its okay... your hand is just trying to get used to the kind of serve youre doing. Even if you have a bruise but youre doing the serves correctly then keep on doing it... your hands will toughen up.

  7. well you are supposed to hit it with like the middle of your palm. you might  be turning your hand a little to the right when you contact the ball(if you are right handed). then the ball would be contacting more of the left side of your hand. or it could be that your hand just isnt used to hitting a ball for an hour straight...

  8. umm i would say that you are better of hitting it with the middle of your palm but its possible to get a briuse jeez the balls are hard! dont get me wrong they hurt but the middle of your hand is better

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